Known Limitations/Problems:
- If you delete a entry in Mplay which is in front of the actual playing file and the actual playing file name is twice in the event, it's possible that mplay catch the wrong one.
- The File repeat function does only work on files without in/out points
- If you use files shorter than 5 seconds at the end of an event, make sure that "Auto cue next file" is shorter then this file.
- Single file in a break and as next does follow a floating event. The "Auto cue next file" needs to be shorter then length of the shortest single file.
- PE2: if there are audio/video synchronisation issues of certain files, configure in Options/Boards/Playback Engine/others/mFormats Decoder Logic to "old" save configuration and restart Mplay
- If there are audio drop outs when playing large crawl or picture sequence in CG verify that Overlay Threading is enabled. (since if enabled even default is selected. Before it was disabled if default was selected)
- PE2: If mixer mode is enabled and there is just green or no video passing with 4K decklink cards you may need to change in Options/Boards/Playback Engine/others/Livesources to color coding default or 8bit.
- "Use dynamic ads checkbox functionality" fixed
- Presets for process affinity added.
- Filename check on program parameter (replace invalid chars)
- SDK updated.
- If a plain * is used in Insert Directory it's replaced on the fly with valid file extensions.
- Use dynamic ads checkbox in break item added.
- PlaylistEditor may not show proper Break configuration.
- Compiler updated
- "Create floating event on first item after midnight" checkbox added in Importer/config2 tab for BXF. (per default it's enabled)
- Importer may not found the files properly
- SubVideoAdd did not work properly if country format settings didn't use a point for floating point values.
- Instructions "At item run time" or "time from live" may executed too early on a exact time event if there was no EOF Play.
- BreakDuration parameter added to detect the duration in SCTE-35 and SCTE-104
- OSI Importer instruction field added to translation table and "Assume instructions as secondary event if no duration added" checkbox added in Config2 tab (2024-09-12)
- Compiler updated
- SDK updated.
- AdMarket, URL clear on HTTP post instruction.
- SDK updated, but FFMPEG downgraded to the one included in Mplay to avoid rtmp and HLS decoding issues.
- Auto fill didn't create/use the Temp.ran
- Break line naming in case of multichannel system with separated Mplay instance improved. (2024-08-27)
- SDK updated.
- UDP empty port entries are also restored.
- UDP circle buffer size is possible to configure.
- Clicking on the 3 dots if in source WebCapture is selected does open Notepad where it's possible to add as many webpages as needed. That file is stored in CFG folder of Mplay and it's called WebCaptureURLList.cfg. To reload the list select as device NONE and then select WebCapture again
- Still picture reader updated.
- In global input configuration tab, a drop down added called "RTSP transport"
- Added the param to the SetSourceASBackground instruction, the save parameter can be on 4 or 5. SetSourceAsBackground,6,rtsp://IP:Port,rtsp_transport='tcp',1
- Broadview XML import, support for using instructions in overlay events added to translation table
- If different Break configurations where used it may happen after switching back from break that the wrong source was visible for couple frames.
- With router polling enabled it may did happen, when clicking on the panel button to open the router panel the interface may freezed.
- On manual stop on encoding the start button may not enabled.
- Backup entry field added for CC Source.
- In the UDP stream cache the S2,S3 checkbox was not working properly.
- Start/Stop of source and capture is free running thread now.
- MaxAge handling improved.
- Ignoring 0 Byte size .ran files.
- It's possible to add more UDP stream cache entries.
- InsertDirectory cache entry field added in Directories configuration.
- "Use URL Duration if trigger has none" checkbox added in "Dynamic Ads" tab.
- Disable/Enable External control can directly talk with slave/master systems without control software needed.
- HLS Copy Status is now visible directly in status bar.
- Negativ Start/Stop GPI delay values where ignored if NOT B-X.Y was used.
- Auto start checkbox in capture configuration is now a drop down where "use OnAir" can be used to start/stop the captures.
- Save/Restore of Windows Parameters in Lite may failed with Access violation.
- SDK License updated.
- Input_8bit.force and bmd.444 drop down added in Board/Inputs configuration. Enable one of them can help, if Decklink shows wrong colors on HDMI input. Restart of MPlay needed after change.
- SCTE-35/SCTE-104 receiving improved.
- Application close improved.
- Skip field value and cc_type value was not set again after reinit of preview in a output window.
- More settings for EBU R128 added and the changes are on the fly.
- SCTE instructions handling improved. Especially in case of they where cued without video file.
- Dx11.windowsless mode is enabled if drop down is on default. (to make sure that popup menus on preview windows work correct)
- InsertDirectory supports like M:\MP4\%DateTime=YYYY%-%Week=WW% also just one W is possible so there is no leading 0 in week 1 to 9
- In Broadview XML importer the default event type is possible to configure.
- File cache improved. (Only allow finding to be valid if found pos is 1)
- Pepple Beach Systems importer some features added.
- If file cache is enabled the cache is now updated automatically in the intervall of half of the max cache age.
- Remote protocol instructions updated to support up to 99 channels. (not just up to 9)
- Last used configurations don't include the defaults in the cfg anymore.
- Improvments at HLS "Clear and don't push"
- In output tab "Process affinity" entry field added.
- AdEz, multiple instructions in one translation line possible.
- Dynamic Ads tab for Masterplay OnAir added.
- Compiler updated
- NDI updated (2024-04-07)
- Compiler updated
- SDK updated.
- "Additional Destinations" in "prop 3" tab in capture tab added.
- Improve BXF import and AsRun.
- it's possible to use "" in translation table.
- Changed default of DoMoveACrossTimeEvent change to 0.
- "returnpathstart" tcp-ip instruction may did cause exceptions.
- In Capture/Properties 2 Tab the checkbox "TC 00:00:00:00" per default enabled, to make sure the captured files time code does start on 00:00:00:00 always. The start value is possible to overwrite manually by adding start_timecode='hh:mm:ss:ff' to the format configuration.
- "Use FirstTimeCode On In/Out Points" drop down added in system tab.
- EAS string might was cut of by one char.
- SCTE-35 triggers from one source is used now for all channels where that source is selected as "background"
- Since the multichannel instant access panel and execute instructions on channels was fired on channel 1 always, is fixed now.
- Remove "RemoveComposition" box.
- "Make floating to exact" checkbox in the importer config tab is a drop down now.
- Use of XX in the hour of event manager works better now.
- In traffic import "DoMoveACrossTimeEvent" added in translation table.
- NDI updated
- in Configuration/System tab the "Skip events if in repeat mode and next event duration is 0.
- In BXF import, if no Description tag is found the Name tag is used instead.
- In Traffic import in Config2 Tab "Use as event name items with duration only" checkbox added.
- Still picture render package update.
- Application shutdown improved.
- Add/Remove buttons in Output/Input tabs improved.
- The outputs are now directly in main configuration tree visible.
- The inputs are now directly in main configuration tree visible.
- Router polling improved.
- 32bit handle for preview window replaced with 64bit handle.
- Source remove in configuration improved.
- Support for channel# parameter added in trigger command entries
- Startup order changed.
- Callback handling improved.
- Compiler updated. (2024-02-08)
- SDK updated.
- Set Config, CCInsert added.
- In configuration, the Board Tab was sometimes empty.
- Show CGC instruction improved.
- StrToDateTime improved.
- Handling of ndi-config.v1.json improved.
- Button to go right, might missing in board configuration.
- Load specific date/time did fail if there was a event name defined.
- MakeFloatingEventType parameter added to ImportUser.cfg
- PlaylistImporter handling of quoted parameters improved.
- 3rd party as run popup menu "Wideorbit add frames on duration" checkbox added, enabled per default.
- If wrong Wideorbit order of first break is detected with marker used from translation table, the order is adjusted on the fly.
- Main user interface clocks and buttons were shifted since around
- Unicast stream cache added.
- In capture section right click for reinit options added if av_sync is above certain level
- Added the possiblity to have up to 10 SCTE-34/104 instructions within one macro or several separated instructions.
- "Set HLS version To" added in properties of capture tab
- If n264, q264hw or h264_amf was configured as hardware encoder but not found, Mplay does automatically search for another of that 3 and replace it if found.
- Update In Progress improved if random inserts are used.
- AdMarket download added
- WS:// protocol was not working properly since
- OON 0 is sent automatically, if the OON 1 has a duration. (2023-11-26)
- Compiler updated
- SDK updated.
- AFD_Code and AFD_AR value added
- in cfg folder UsedInputURLs.cfg, UsedEncodingConfigStrings.cfg and UsedEncodingURLs.cfg are created if they change and loaded into the drop down. (2023-10-13)
- SDK updated (back to older API).
- The "Init playist with same format as mixer" is not changed to enabled per default anymore.
- Processor usage check in separat thread.
- "On input close check for separate background audio" checkbox in the Others/inputs tab
- The "Init playlist with same format as mixer" is enabled per default to avoid lip sync issue, if playlist does have interlaced and progressive files.
- EAS-NET type "START LIVE" and "STOP LIVE" added (2023-09-15)
- SDK updated. (Dll's of older API are not compatible with this new SDK and this Mplay.exe is NOT not compatible with older SDK)
- At output popup "Reinit output/if bmd.late>10" added.
- EAS-NET reading from FTP receiving added.
- ProfanityDump instructions and MuteAudio instruction added to TCP-IP protocol.
- In case of dual screen and Mplay is running on second screen the traffic jobs were may not showing it's configurations.
- In input tab in the AV_Sync drop down "Restart only if file is playing" checkbox. If enabled it does restart the input while a file is playing and not during may currently live.
- If WMI call for cpu usage does fail alternate way is used to get cpu usage. (no error raised)
- EAS-NET protocol added to remote interface.
- NDI updated. (2023-07-26)
- Use of "live-inputs" in CG, enabled per default.
- SDK updated.
- "WideOrbit use underline as separator"checkbox added in 3rd party log file popup menu.
- "WideOrbit remove -xxx from filename" checkbox added in 3rd party log file popup menu.
- %UPID% added for Show Logo Filename.
- Adding of * possiblity in the translation table of importer for the filename.
- "streamingstop" instruction didn't disable the monitoring temporarly.
- "Search with wild char *.xxx" may didn't find certain files.
- Router panel the buttons are now repositioned accordingly the resizeing.
- Experimental.direct_out is set back to default. No force to disable anymore, if needed to be disabled use the drop down "bmd direct_out" in Configuration/Engine
- AdEz import a variable was not properly inizialized which could cause for a missing first date time entry in the playlist.
- If ControlRooms.cfg is found in the cfg folder it can be used to select input1 and input2 with one click and loading audio mapping of input1.
- AdEz import does honor the "Add expected length" checkbox as well.
- Station ID supports several ID's with comma separated for multichannel systems with one Mplay instance.
- Closed captions in the preview windows are able to configured to different colors and transparancys.
- force experimental.direct_out to false per default.
- 3rd party as run logs, may had wrong start time after a still picture or live item.
- Splice immediate flag added in board tab as default and in "Out of network indicator" set config instruction the value b
- Platforms selection in InsertPlaylist added.
- "Out of network indicator" does now also support to add a pts offset for the slice pts. "1_xxx_yyy_zzz_aaa=Switch to local playback xxx duration in seconds, yyy=Unique Program ID, zzz=Event ID, aaa=PTS Offset"
- If EventID of SCTE-35 is "random" it does generate a random id at the time of send.
- As use_localtime parameter is depreciated in the encoding configuration string, it's replaced on the fly with the new strftime parameter.
- In Break mode insert playlist from Traffic list was not working properly.
- If Auto fill is enabled and NO duration is configured and a traffic system is used then Mplay does use the duration from the traffic list.
- If video file not found adding default duration also enabled for MXF, AVI, WMV and MOV
- If Operator log is in automatic naming, extension changed from .log to .opr so it doesn't match with the as run log if both use same auto naming.
- EventID added in Time event Editor in PlaylistEditor and "Out of network indicator" instruction.
- Remote protocol streamingrestart,2,3 added. means instruction is for channel 2 and streaming 3.
- Timed OSD off will be executed even if the file is terminated early or manually earlier terminated, if resume play in progress is not enabled. (2023-02-27)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated.
- In Configuration/Windows tab checkbox "CPU parking" added.
- In Breaks TAB "Use DTMF from input" added.
- If BG setting is a file that selected File is now restored after application restart.
- between and some set config instruction may failed.
- NDI updated. (2023-02-03)
- Audio overlay instruction added to SetConfig drop down.
- SDK updated.
- EAS # cycles was not properly working. Especially if the crawl was not over the whole screen.
- "After # cycles" in the simplified crawl instruction is now working also with SDK.
- Improvements in "Search and Replace in whole playlist" in PlaylistEditor
- If Media-Sequence Master was enabled and the slave encodings were suddenly "faster" then the main the slave m3u8 sequence# was behind sometimes.
- NDI refresh in case input not found, is increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Audio delay setting added for the selection NDI output
- InsertPlaylist from Traffic does now check is the File Lenght>0
- Text to Speech (SAPI) interface updated.
- Possible application freeze on start if NDI audio only was enabled.
- Sometimes false error "Failed to initiate WebRTC output error:xxx".
- In PlaylistConverter it could happen that the configuration tabs were not visible when changing the Source Type if the Import was "InsertPlaylist is used to import".
- Skip fields value is now possible to adjust individually for each preview window with right click in the preview window and select "Skip fields" enter the new number and it will be active without restart needed. With save window parameters the value is saved.
- Configuration/Board/Input/"Make it NDI available" on the right an entry field added for audio delay.
- Configuration/Board/Output/NDI "NDI Render audio delay" entry field added.
- Embed SCTE35 checkbox is ignored now, if the embed_scte35 paramter is set in the configuration string.
- Image render component updated.
- Output orientation drop box added.
- Full screen support added in case of serveral monitor are connected and serveral outputs should be showing on different monitor in full screen.
- In Board/Output/Properties 2 tab Aspect X and Y edit field added.
- In Board/Output/Properties 2 tab Scale Type drop down added.
- In Board/Output/Properties 2 tab "Force progressive" checkbox replaced with drop down to be able to select which kind of interlacing should be used.
- NDI updated
- Audio gain entry field add in each output so each streaming outputs level is able to adjust separately
- "Load window parameters" is now working in simplified mode with multichannels as well.
- Input thread is waiting longer, by checking the frame count, before using it for example as background.
- Audio level meters in SegmentEditor were not working properly anymore since
- In Configuration/Options/Board/Others/Inputs "Discovery Servers" entry field added for NDI Discovery Servers.
- On Air status in Router panel is now working also if IPKeepConnection=1. And polling is automatically disabled if panel is opened.
- Importer does add a second " if there is a single " found in the description text. (2022-09-05)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated
- Mplay can be configured to be like a Blackmagic router.
- In case of resume in progress, the already cued instructions are NOT executed anymore.
- Added "Video preview" entry in the right click menu of the preview windows.
- Regional parameter was global not per channel
- In Input preview window right click popup/input/Show NDI IP Address entry added.
- In Configuration/Options/Board/Output/Properties "Media-Sequence Master" has now a popup menu.
- In Configuration/Options/Board/Output/Properties "Media-Sequence master" Checkbox added. In case group mode is used then the Media-Sequence# of this output is used for the whole group. Only enable this on one of each sync group.
- In break tab "Error reporting as" drop down
- Resume Automation instruction in the Send to group was not send to the group.
- NDI dll updated.
- Restore of Window position of router panel if "Use RouterShow() in old view" is enabled.
- NDI input object is not destroyed anymore, just closed and reopened if source is disabled/enabled.
- Right click on Preview Monitors the menu entry Audio Level/Values in added with selection of RMS/VU Meter/VU Peak
- Resume play in progress of specific date event which does pass midnight is possible now.
- In Configuration/Board/Others/Inputs "NDI allowed on" entry field for an IP-Address added.
- After a "terminated xxxx frames too early" message, the playback may started from top instead keep continue from where it was.
- In Configuration/Board/others/Engine "Empty cc skip" drop down added. Enable that if CC's are delayed, may help.
- Digital clock window was not properly sized.
- Click on source selection may caused application to freeze.
- UDP Multicast to HTTP on the fly convertion added to the HTTP Server.
- At Insert Directory instruction checkbox added for "Append current time minus event start time to filename as inpoint"
- Click on select directory may crashed PlaylistEditor/Mplay (2022-07-15)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated
- In PlaylistEditor, premilarly implementation of "Search in Replace" in the Tools menu.
- in Configuration/Interface at "Show files before active file" a delay entry field added. if that entry has like 30 seconds, after a manual scroll in the playlist Mplay does NOT update the position automatically for that time.
- In single play mode, if repeat is enabled the currently playing file is repeated until stop is clicked. While in repeat mode it's possible to select a different file and cue it and it will play it and then repeat until stop or other file is cued.
- Some SCTE-35 settings are able to configure in each output stream.
- Improve of remote protocol in case direct instructions where received.
- In Configuration/Board/Mixer/Name field added which can be used to connect to the Mixer output with mp://TheDefinedName. Needs restart of Mplay to be activated.
- Cue of video file was not possible while a still picture was playing.
- In Configuration/Board/Others/Inputs "After break mode use this as background" drop box added.
- Reset of Max value was not instantly visualy reset, until audio level was above the audio level meter minimum.
- Break tab, the seconds of auido is below or above where ignored and drop down added what to do when level is above.
- If at Insert Directory instruction "Append to filename" was used and there were several files in the folder it may has not selected any file.
- If UPID or Event Name is defined, that information is added to the HLS SCTE35 trigger as #EXT-X-ASSET:UPID=xxxx,PROGRAM="Event%20Name"
- If Platforms.cfg is found in CFG folder in the capture tab there is a drop down available and in PlaylistEditor in the SCTE35 configuration platform setting. If only certain platforms are selected the SCTE will be only sent on that HLS Platforms
- At WebRTC Input tab "Close object on disable" checkbox added and it's disabled per default to make change to another input much faster.
- Unique Program ID entry field added in event editor. Used by sending SCTE-35 instructions.
- Use as Background drop down names are updated properly now.
- SCTE-104 implementation improved.
- Break tab, added what to do if audio is below a certain level for a certain time.
- Break tab alternate input added where the system does automatically switch to if original input level is below the configured level for the configured duration. And it does switch back if the configured level is restored.
- Parallelport instruction had separate cache for each channel instead sharing it per port.
- "Remove milliseconds" checkbox added in case of HLS encoding.
- srt.Force_FFmpeg drop down added in board configuration/Others/Engine
- Writer part of SDK downgraded.
- SCTE104 folder with examples added.
- In capture/properties 2 "Add .tmp while capturing"
- At Max Duration popup added with "Cut at top of the hour" checkbox added.
- NDI Receive Mode setting in /Configuration/Board/Others/Inputs may not saved, if NDI folder was not already exising. Mplay does create the folder now if missing.
- Up to 4 analog (picture sequence folder) and 4 digital clocks with different timezones possible.
- 3rd party asrun writing does use same file status as Mplay log now.
- .osd configuration may not loaded properly if Text alignment was on automatic.
- OSD OFF item ID can be used to just remove one item.
- OSD OFF all layers does use the fade time also for non layer items.
- In TCP-IP tab the SendTo does support now several destination addresses and ports they need to be separated with semicolon.
- In the HTTP Server tab "Fix Requests" checkbox added.
- Broadview XML import improved.
- ANC capture drop down in global input tab and in individual input tab.
- If search with no file extenion is enabled spaces in front or after in a possible filename are removed.
- Checkbox "On HLS add EXT-X-MAP to part2".
- HLS splitting does now count frames with proper frames rates. (it was always counting with 30 instead the configured encoding fps)
- "Change after play" is disabled per default, in case of new installations.
- "sourcestart","sourcestop","sourcerestart" tcp ip instructions support now new url like: sourcerestart,1,
- "sourcerestart" added as possible tcp command.
- SetNextBreakInputBackground may did not work properly if exact event was reached.
- read_url.max_wait value also used for open_url.max_wait value and the source thread timeout does use that wait time as well. (2022-03-16)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated.
- At Output/AudioFilters and Input the afilter parameters edit field added. Which does give more control and more audio filters.
- At InsertDirectory instruction "Append to Filename" entry field added.
- Checkbox "Keep NDI input line updateing" in the input/properties2 tab.
- !Set Config Out of network indicator=1,D:\BreakXMLs\SCTE35OnHLSCueOut180s.txt the software extracts automatically the xxxs.txt the xxx as the duration of the break for the SCTE35 inside of the stream.
- !Set Config Out of network indicator=1 instruction supports now also !Set Config Out of network indicator=1_xxx the xxx is the duration of the break in seconds.
- Death loop was possible, if not at least one every day or weekly event was available if the last file of playlist was playing and no other event available.
- Video Filter is now possible to add to main output and to each stream input as well especially the gblur filter with a sigma='0.1' can be very helpful to add to main output for more relable DVB output especially for Cisco 4642, 4652 or 8300 series.
- HLS server improved.
- Sunset,Sunrise triggers may not worked correct depending of time zone and date of Year.
- HLS Server improved, if proper configured, HLS links like can be now be like even that file technically may does not exists the HLS server will on the fly inject a script to the Webbrowser and change it to playlist.m3u8 on the fly. Some web browsers don't support .m3u8 without script.
- Added "YYYY-MM-DD" as possible file name to use the date in the filename for the sorting by date.
- HLS file splitting already at 0.1 seconds (previously splitting was happening only, if split was 1 second or later)
- Harris ADC-100 importer improved. UniqueID and SegmentNumber added to playlist so it's able to write it into the run log.
- Checkbox at Board/Others/"577 and 608 to 576" added.
- In WebRTC server scaling/deinterlacing options added.
- Added a Checkbox "On Resume Play in progress also Resume Automation".
- At "On Resume Automation" drop down "Resume in Progress always" added. Which means it will make resume play in progress EVEN no event time has skipped yet.
- If Add OnAir Status is enabled in the LogFiles tab, OnAir Status is also added in BXF logs.
- Audio mapping moved to Properties 2 tab and checkboxes added.
- If BXF is selected as import the "Traffic is Master" is automatically disabled and hidden.
- Timed OSD instructions are removed if OSD OFF all layers is executed.
- In the port configuration tab, it's possible to disable the adding of the blackmagic push messages to the log.
- If there was no directory information on a file in the playlist and prefetch was enabled, but the file was prefetched it could happen that the file did get analyzed X-times.
- Check for Break Mode and set new background if needed, before end of last file playing.
- Capture supports additionally as trigger, sun set and sun rise times which are automatically calulated every day. Keep in mind to configure proper coordinates to get proper time values in the Astronomy tab.
- "Play/Pause same button" checkbox in interface checkbox. If disabled, pause is not pausible to press when playing (2021-11-26)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated.
- Sync time implementation improved.
- NDI updated
- In case of Break delay and B (buffer) is used negativ delay values are possible.
- Playlist window may was kind of lost inside of the Mplay main user interface in simplify mode.
- If Filename.mpg[00:00:00:00 00:28:30:00] had a first time code set inside of the file, the in/outs are now automatically shifted by the first time code if the inpoint is not inside of the file time code.
- In case of MultiChannel and LiveFeed used on several channels in case of "Restart stream on the fly" could crash/freeze the application.
- Save Window Parameter is now store the position of the big Start/Stop Start/File Switch buttons of capture. (previously it was in the encoding configuration)
- On capture object, status check disabled per default but can be enabled in properties2 tab.
- Overlapping weekly or special events with having every day events in between are working now.
- Added start and end of captures into status log.
- Close of PlaylistEditor may did raise application crashes.
- PlaylistEditor does create a logfile called PlaylistEditor.log.
- On capture object status check added, not just time change if monitoring is enabled.
- Jason parser added in input/properties 2 tab
- until have inpoint issue.
- Heartbeat checkbox in Output SCTE-35 tab
- Added ChannelName to status request answer (2021-09-12)
- Compiler updated.
- Each CG instance can have it's own time zone.
- SDK updated.
- Database in/out points are corrected with First Time Code in file found, if the in/out point values are outside of the file time code range
- Export does not report repeatedly "Reanalyse because old metadata version" anymore.
- In Web Server tab the disable of "Create peer list" improved.
- To activate on the importer that the expectedtimeunp value is imported/replaced, the value needs to be set in the translation table to 00:00:00
- Times not properly counting in case of break mode
- Better handling of some floating point conversions to avoid such message: Not handled exception: '' is not a valid floating point value.
- NDI 5
- If OSD has "Upper Case" enabled, it does now also handle and additional special charactors.
- If output was > file lenght also the inpoint was reset.
- Disable Playlist Change event in case of filler black.
- UpperCase checkbox in the OSD configuration.
- Mplay user interface speed improved if Blackmagic router was configured as router.
- If the IPKeepConnection value is 1 in the RoutersUser.cfg of a Blackmagic router, the router interface is updated without polling enabled.
- In System tab in Metadata group "Reanalyse if old version" checkbox.
- Drop down in interface tab to select default resume mode which should be used if "Resume Automation" is clicked.
- Possible File repeat of first file of first file in floating event if there were instructions at the end of the last time event and/or instructions infront of the first file in new time event if "Mark instructions between next file as cued" was enabled and playlist was reloaded.
- Exception 1FA14C0 fixed.
- Optimization drop down in the Board/Other configuration tab. In case of older Decklink cards that may needs to be disabled.
- Font Effects for ShowText available.
- Fade of ShowText does now work.
- Manual router instructions in the router panel are added into the operator log.
- NDI DLL downgraded becaues it could cause application freeze in case a input was disabled.
- Pressing Pause and then Play on a current running Router instruction did cause the router to switch to Mplay input instead the router instructions input.
- Right click on Playlist/View/Show Path added.
- Input triggers instructions support percent replacement. like spliceEventId=%spliceEventId% then it does search in the SCTE-35 for the spliceEventID and does replace it with what it did find.
- Showing "Last frame" as BG after playback was not working properly.
- In input configuraton triggers tab added which can be used to trigger instructions thru SCTE-35.
- If Last Frame was selected as background, cueing of still pictures did not update properly.
- In Break mode, each of the breaks is now possible to start and repeat by press on the repeat icon.
- Resume play in progress instruction is now also forwarded if "Forward TCP-IP Instructions of CH1 To CH2" is enabled
- "Create Icons" checkbox in Still pictures configuration. On PE2 create of icons in case of still pictures was disabled per default it's now enabled per default, but it's possible to disable if the performance is affected.
- Resume and Suspend auto instrutions are now also forwarded to second channel if "Forward TCP IP Instructions of CH1 to CH2" is checked.
- In Configuration/Directories a checkbox is added called "Change to EasyPlay mode if no time event or only midnight time event found".
- Audio volume control on second or more audio pairs on inputs is now working as well.
- "GPI Events have priority" check box is now also working for floating events. Floating events were always ignored in case of break mode event was active even the checkbox was not checked.
- "Copy to parent folder on start" supports several files now. They need to be separated with a ;
- Enable of Create peer list in the HTTP server does not slow down the response time of the HTTP server anymore.
- Input preview window brought to top, after start of application.
- TCP-IP instruction SetSourceAsBackground is now forwarded as well if "Forward TCPIP Instructions of CH1 To CH2" is checked.
- Monitoring of WebRTC Server improved.
- InsertDirectory instruction does now also load the content of a playlist file in main folder or in subfolders if include subfolders is enabled (*.in) files.
- "Add UUID's to items" checkbox in importer added.
- Compiler updated.
- "Clock triggered break" text was not properly updated.
- In Board/other drop down "Exact duration" added. May helpful if files are longer then expected so they are only played the reported duration and ignore the other part.
- Automatic adding of known file extensions improved.
- Creating of peer list in HTTP server was not working properly.
- In Input/Capture/Triggers tab added for DTMF and SCTE sequence for start/stop with delay times. (2021-04-20)
- SDK updated.
- Timeout in addto... drop down for error type added in log configuration.
- Harris import improved.
- Compatiblitiy mode for Masterplay Capture added. (so Mplay can understand the same instructions as Masterplay Capture thru TCP)
- Drag and drop of *.adt playlists into PlaylistEditor is possible and they are converted on the fly.
- Big Capture Start/Stop button is able to enable for each Capture instance by right click on the Start button in the configuration. The Window position and size will be saved with saving the configuration.
- TCP-IP instruction forwarding from CH1 to CH2 improved.
- Added additional exception handling in case of live mode.
- The "Text field size" in the simplified OSD configuration does now also work in PE2 properly.
- In Show Clock instruction type "To end of item" added. Which can be used to show a count down to the end of the current playing item.
- CPD file are now always prefetched even there is already metadata attached in the file.
- "Skip if in under time" added which can be enabled/disabled in PlaylistEditor with a right click on each item.
- If use as Background audio for stills video without audio was selected and resume play in progress was configured when program does start, the first playing file may played without audio
- Date detection more tightened on the importer.
- In the webserver the HLS m3u8 caching improved.
- The start/stop delay time in the breaks tab supports now like B0.2 or B-0.5 values. the B stands for buffer duration. With B in the time the software does calulate the delay accordingly how big currently the buffer is filled and adds the additional time to it.
- Device properties access directly from preview window/input/Device properties. Like to control web cam paramters.
- In case Letterbox or Crop as aspect ratio is selected the mfreader.convert_format value is forced to false
- In Prefetch configuration it's possible to disable the write cache, which is helpful on systems where the regular speed limitation may not work if cache is enabled.
- Analyze of files after capture is able to enable, this is helpful to save time if Mplay needs to play the file soon after capture.
- Logfiles are written with free running thread. (2021-02-27)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated.
- Handling of Change Playlist instruction improved in case "create UUID for item's" is enabled.
- Right click in the playlist and select Execute instruction to execute instructions on the fly. Keep in mind if they are timed then they are executed as they are timed.
- In Configuration/Board/Output/NDI tab "Separate background selection output" added. Useful to have access to the clean source selected as background for the main playlist.
- "Time from Live" added in the execute drop down of instructions.
- If still picture was playing and cue time was arrived and next file was a video file the system did repeatingly cueing.
- Disabled verify modes in HTTPS server.
- If Max Age is enabled, the .scc file is also deleted or moved.
- Regulary happening of "Timeout on waiting for capture stop" messages in case of using the record scheduling fixed.
- NDI extra IPs entry field added in the input "Properties 2" tab.
- InsertDirectory AdIns edit box added.
- Backup path setting in the input configuration.
- InsertDirectory the max age del is now a drop down menu with additional option called "Delete Files after played"
- NDI dlls updated.
- Playlist import Harris ADC100 added. Notice, currently still beta state
- Not all Mplay.ini's where backuped if there were several individual channels.
- Flash support disabled in CG otherwise on Windows systems without flash support the application may not boot.
- Set only checkbox in case of router instruction was not working for internal switcher. Now it does automatically redirect it to "set as background".
- NDI auto connect disabled per default. This avoids issues that NDI does connect automatically to wrong source if there are several sources available on the same computer.
- Captureing time might did jump back and forth.
- Click on Rec on output preview window may not have started the capture/streaming.
- if "Include Directories" is checked in the search folders the directories are updated each time when the playlist is reloaded, event is reached or item is changed.
- Registry cleanup of did break SCTE35 triggers
- Additional info added in case of Access violation at address xxx Read of address xxx in SelNextFile Pos B
- Possible exception if single file repeat was used, but no next file selected.
- Compiler updated
- If decode all audio pid's was enabled the additional channels were not showing in the audio level meters. (2020-10-17)
- Compiler updated.
- SDK updated.
- Drop down in Board tab for Old Decklink cards to enable "direct_out" mode for older Decklink cards.
- Reboot instruction does try to use the Control Service.
- OSD panel in configuration is now visible even in EasyPlay.
- Captures on the output are now able to start/stop thru audio levels as well. (previously capture directly on the source tab that was possible only)
- Broadview_XML and CCB translation table was not saved in the Importer.
- Resume play in progress improved in case of InsertDirectory instructions are used.
- BXF "Use Start-file start for Show and Duration for hide value" added in the Secondary events timing drop down. For BXF the drop down is selected automatically and can't be changed.
- BXF Post added in As Run tab.
- Set Values entry field added at Show CGC instruction.
- showdelay,showmsecforchange,hideafter,hideaftermsecforchange parameters can now used on all main objects in the CG *.ml-cgs files, not just on certain named.
- In case of Blackmagic router, the Router Panel may was not updated properly.
- On resume play in progress the "used break list" is deleted.
- "Not handled exception: List index out of bounds (-1)" solved in case of Break configuration handling.
- BXF As Run logfile added.
- Playlist importer enhanced.
- Timer of the Capture object in the Source was not enabled automatically on program start.
- If SetSourceAsBackground is sent thru serial port or clicked on source the "use as background" drop down is adjusted as well.
- In input configuration "Audio gain" edit field added.
- Compiler updated.
- If still picture was used as like commercial place holder the instructions ahead were not executed. like the SCTE-35 were missed.
- Capture was not able to start manually, if it was not already started thru autostart. (was broken since
- Drop down added in the Board/Output Tab to select Audio bits per sample 16 or 32 bit.
- Splitting of HLS segments without ffmpeg added.
- Instructions with duration are now written in the asrun log.
- HTTP-Server improved by adding a .m3u8 file caching. There is a checkbox in the WebServer tab to enable it.
- In capture tab with right click On Start/Stop button "On Audio start/stop" added.
- In case of using the "!Set config Out of network indicator=1,C:\P1\Channel1\System\SCTE35\SCTE35OnHLSCueOut.txt" to start the commercial block in case of HLS there is no longer a STOP of the commercial block needed. Mplay does read the time in the SCTE35OnHLSCueOut.txt and will automatically stop the commercial signaling after that time.
- AV_Sync value can be enabled with right click in output window
- Improved BXF importer
- Added parameters to !SetConfig Mixer to support squeezing main video while playing another file full screen in the background
- Fixed some access violation errors.
- InsertPlaylist with random may work also with files which have one segment. if files do have two segments it may still NOT work.
- Aspect ratio detection of source preview improved.
- In case of Decklink 11.5.1 drivers the 10bit is disabled per default. (CC is still working)
- SegmentEditor does show VolumeOffset and it can be changed by clicking on tools
- Monitoring connection count to restarted WebRTC source if needed.
- Added package lost count label on WebRTC source and server and on the protocol.
- InsertDirectory counting may not properly in PlaylistEditor.
- Disable of input may resulted in configuration loss of the input.
- Compiler updated.
- InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist where not properly skipped in case of Floating Skip event was reached.
- InsertDirectory clear was not working properly in case of the CG playlist.
- Status string has now the break config name or the if configured the name and not just "Waiting for GPI"
- If screen capture is used as source the background_color parameter is automatically set to Black(0)
- No application restarted needed anymore in case of router added in old view to be able to access it.
- In Source Type tab the stream parameters where "miss placed" since
- If WinTV Panel was not created and content should play in full screen a exception was raised.
- Starting of Mplay in VGA or Multizone Mode (without SDK) did produce exception.
- Screen capture settings changed and aspect ratio added. use right click or click on "..." button on the right of the capture position/size field to get to additional settings.
- If still picture was last item playlist when reaching an exact time event the end time was calculated wrong. Which resulted to proceed to early into new event which could cause issues.
- Force bmd.new_api to false per default.
- SCTE-35 break triggers were not working properly if MPlay was running several channels in one process. Several channels but with different process it was working properly (-instance X parameter on Mplay start)
- If break line was not on top and next event was not break mode may break was played instead next event content.
- BXF ScheduleID and EventID added to playlist so BXF AsRun will be able to generate.
- Sorting of "Video Input Line" in input tab improved.
- On input preview it possible with a right click to select any available NDI or WebRTC source if that input is configured to be NDI or WebRTC.
- Right click on Instant Access Panel has now "Copy to clipboard" menu entry.
- On output tab, "Force frame rate" setting (the drop down on the right of the force progressive)
- Set config set background has now D parameter to additionally set it as default.
- In preview windows "Max Audio Channels" selector.
- Access violation at address 000000000103E79B fixed.
- BXF fixed events are used as exact time events.
- Debug information added
- SegementEditor does replace wrong aspect ratio, width, height, frame rate on open of file and will update the Metadata on Save.
- The text "fps:" removed on the output windows on the encoding statistic.
- Added "copy file to parent folder" in capture tab, this is helpful in case of memory drive is used for temporarely HLS data.
- In case of several instances just the first one does execute a reboot.
- In capture scheduling start offset and duration offset setting added.
- If a source was reset during automatic capture the scheduled recordings may not resumed.
- Better detection of errors in WebRTC host.
- Translation table added for BXF playlist imports.
- Changing "use as background" in the configuration/Boards/others to default didn't set the background to black.
- InsertDirectory in PlaylistEditor and select is used may show the proper files ahead.
- Force dvb.rate_control to false to avoid wrong fps if DVB streaming is used.
- Initialisation order changed on application start to make sure that the writer does get initialized AFTER the renderer to avoid issues in DVB streaming.
- Output monitoring, if enabled, was not acting if frame count stayed at 0
- Metadata merge can now read BXF segments and add them to the metadata.
- TCP-IP command for stream stop does consider it as manual stop so monitoring is disabled until start is sent again.
- Premarly version of BXF import
- HTML5 CG can be enabled and loaded with ShowCGC instruction.
- Force progressive checkbox on output added.
- Surpress of "Nothing to resume in Progress" message if Automation with presume play in progress was done thru IP and break mode active
- On second router the external control was not enabled/disabled so it keept changing even external control was disabled.
- RSS downloader enabled to handle redirection
- RSS downloader enabled to handle newer tls protocols.
- Added checkboxes on the popup menu of the prefetch to enable status information of the main output and the additional outputs.
- Background was not always set proplerly in Break Mode.
- Added the possiblity to synchronize several Mplay's thru the control software. So like if play is clicked on main Mplay that the instruction is sent to all MPlay's connected to control software and added to Live Tab.
- Exact event reaching handling is rewritten.
- Broadview XML import added.
- Removed the automatically Loop='true' parameter on inputs as it can cause on older SDK's serious memory leaks.
- The NowAndComingUp is now saved to logfiles folder and it will be used to load from, accordingly the drop down in the logfiles tab.
- Streaming inputs, may stopped after around 24 hours and needed to restart. Loop='true' parameter is now added autoamtically if not already added manually.
- In the output popup menu "Show errros on menu bar" added.
- In Configuration/Board/Output/NDI "Playlist as" added. This is helpful if Mixer is used but the running playlist should be used for other channel on separate computer in native resolution so add like different Mixer/CG.
- Changes in input preview of CC. if CC on preview was selected it was rendered on the video stream.
- From now on only 64bit version of PE2 available. The 32bit may still available on request or in the archive ftp folder of the updates.
- The position/size of SegmentEditor in PlaylistEditor is now stored if in PlaylistEditor "Save window parameters" is clicked in the menu and recovered on start.
- In ImportsUser.cfg the SYNExactEventIdentifier does now support several Identifiers with positions. SYNExactEventIdentifier=CDP0000172,56;CDP0000171,56;CDP0000068,56;CDP0000069,56
- Remote protocol supports now multiple instructions in one string with like ;streamingstart,1,1;streamingstart,1,8 the first ; is needed to identify multi instructions.
- 2. pos and length possible at the "Description" parameter in the ImportsUser.cfg
- Logitech camera aspect ratio might didn't not working properly since
- If a comma and a number is added in the search word in the translation table that X position is used in the line to compare with the code word.
- "default field order" in input setting may didn't work properly on Decklink cards.
- In source configuration drop down for Video filters and a parameter field for the video filters.
- Mplay does not read anymore all passed days. Now it reads per default only 2 passed days. The # of days can be changed in the Configuration/Options/Directories TAB. If the value is changed to 0 Mplay works as previously.
- In Configuration/Options/File Prefetch there is a new checkbox "Suspend prefetch druing break mode event"
- In importer translation table the parameter SecondaryEventKeepFile=1 added.
- Anamorphic progressive selection added
- Try to create folders if they don't exists on capture start.
- The inverted triggers in GPI detection were not properly working.
- In case of floating skip or floating play is used, the instructions after the last entry were skipped as well. They are not skipped anymore.
- Default BG setting is forced to black if it was on transparent and a source is defined as the background in the others tab.
- Source initalisation issue of audio fixed.
- 4K resolutions were not working properly anymore.
- Timing issue on input start fixed.
- If preview.skip_field>0 preview.drop_frames is set to true
- Reaching next exact event change to floating window increased.
- Memory leak in source preview fixed.
- The update batch is started as administrator.
- Prefetch does also copy the .scc files.
- Delay may not properly started on program start.
- If DTMF decoding is enabled, the source is forced to 16Bit audio, if more then 16bit's or if automatic is selected.
- If several audio sources are loaded to mixer the one which is sent as background is now muted so no echo does happen anymore.
- Importer "keep days"
- Bmd.new_api drop down added in the others tab (2019-11-23)
- Compiler updated.
- Output audio mapping added in the Board TAB.
- cibEngine as run log changed to dual byte char.
- Delete last item in Break configuration could screw up the configuration.
- CCB import added.
- Processing.NDI.Lib downgraded to version 3.8.0 as decoding of all newer versions at least up to 4.1.3 do not properly work in case if several switches are between source and destination.
- SDK updated.
- PlaylistEditor is now also 64bit in the 64bit update.
- SSL libraries included in the update.
- cibEngine import and asrun log enhanced.
- up/down keys in URL and Format setting in capture form disable.
- Access violation at address 0000000005AFEDA4 in module 'WaveExCtrl.x64.dll', if no WaveIn was defined, is fixed by select the default in.
- HTTP server improved
- Wasapi buffer and buffer change is possible to visualize in the source preview window.
- In Directories tab "Excluded extensions" field added.
- In Source configuration with right click on "Use ext_audio" checkbox additional parameters are able to configured. Most important one is the wasapi buffer. If there should be audio issues increase the buffer size.
- In PlaylistImport !DTMF instructions are moved as well.
- In Importer the checkbox "Replace entries even if duration is 0" added.
- In WideOrbit import event name identification "* * " added.
- Drop down in importer for show and hide values of !ShowLogo Instructions which time to use.
- Added the possiblity to enable output fps in menu bar.
- CibEngine as run log the "Frames played xxxx" added if no error did happen.
- In board configuration stream/destination renamed to Output. Source renamed to Input
- No force 10bit for 4K, Quad 2, Duo 2 boards in the board tab anymore, be aware on 4K, Quad 2 boards CC may also work without 10Bit enabled, all older boards (including Duo 2) need to have 10Bit enabled that CC does work.
- in case of Mplay is running in DX11 mode the SegmentEditor may showed black only.
- In Board Tab remove a source, stream, WebRTC may not working if it was named. stream named to destination (problem exists since
- DX11 is enabled by default.
- In Prefetch tab, drop down for how to compare the files added.
- In Importer the checkbox "Replace filename in CG instructions..." added
- dx11.windowless drop down added in board/other tab
- If router polling was enabled the logfile was filled with all router answers.
- Source name, stream name, WebRTC channel name is now used as tab caption.
- On streaming tab in options name field added.
- Virtual source init changed.
- If disable on encoding is pressed manually or thru TCP-IP, the monitoring is disabled so it doesn't automatically start encoding again if monitoring is enabled.
- Set Config "set background=source 0" added which does set the background to black
- Since the NDI naming on the output was not working properly if NDI was the main renderer.
- SCTE35OnHLSCueOut.txt example file updated, because it had some spaces at the end of the first two lines.
- PlayedFilenamePrefixAddSpecial parameter added in AsRunUser.cfg
- If live source is used in the playlist and there was a problem with the live source, the softwae does now automatically try to recover to get back OnAir.
- CartNoRemoveSpecial paramter added in ImportsUser.cfg.
- SendTo instructions in Instant Access Panel are now sent always, even if Mplay is not OnAir.
- Dalet imported enhanced
- In board tab "Audio duration master" checkbox added. it may helps on certain files if per default the wrong duration is detected.
- If path information was in the file, the search was broken because of the fix for the "wild char ignore ext exact file". now it works with both.
- Search with "wild char ingore ext exact filename" may not pick proper file if the similar file was found in different folders.
- "Show mouse on screen capture" checkbox in the Source/options tab
- CG events were not working properly anymore.
- HD/4K init improved.
- Added additional debug information for Access violation at address 0000000000407CBF
- Fixed, access violation at address 000000000176DB67 in module 'Mplay.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000 in TimerStartup Pos 8c
- Knox router protocol added.
- Min #audio channels setting in preview monitor settings.
- Timing of loading of the CG configuration changed on program start.
- Possible wrong error message about "terminate too early" in case of files with segments.
- SCTE-104 receiving improved.
- "On activate set as Background" is now configurable in each source popup menu. Not globaly anymore in the Configuration/Interface.
- On audio only sources the time counter was not counting and that could cause restarts of the sources if monitoring was enabled.
- if separate background audio was used, main video source audio was not muted properly.
- if separate background audio was used, background audio did not return if the source was restarted.
- In each Source the capture of closed caption can be disabled/enabled, this on some Decklink Boards it may needs to be disabled depending of the signal to get stable frame rates.
- Livesources closed caption setting in Configuration/Board/Others was not working properly in case of several channels in same process.
- Prefetch transfer speed limitation calculation improved.
- cibEngine does now include the original path, not the prefetch file path.
- If a mov file in the CG keeps looping even if it is configured to play once or play once and hide, enable in the CG/enhanced configuration the checkbox "On LoadFilename check file duration if mode>0"
- Panic mode in case of two routers was not working properly.
- Timing in HLS of Cue-In and Cue-out adjusted.
- Added support for "SainSmart USB 4 Channel Relay Automation" relay board.
- If Look ahead was 3 or there was no playlist for tomorrow and then there is a playlist for tomorrow but not imported from scratch midnight event did get lost.
- Look ahead in importer was the total count if imported days and not really look ahead. Now it is.
- In source popup menu checkbox for Source/Show fps on menu bar and Capture/Show fps on menu bar added
- Translation table for cibEngine import enabled.
- SSL added in the Web/HTTP server.
- In case of HLS grouping, encodings are now synchronized started again, even if one stream was delayed on stopping.
- In capture tab, "Clean up folder on start" added.
- Frame rate setting added in Importer tab of cibEngine.
- Software startup timing changed to avoid exceptions on application start. (2019-04-29)
- Developer mode on WebRTC Signaling Server is NOT supported until further notice. In other words, the signaling server MUST run with valid certificate!
- In panic mode, if Mplay was in Break Mode but not playing it didn't restore the previous router configuration after router control was restored.
- SDK updated. Be aware Decklink drivers 11.0.0 or newer MUST be installed otherwise card(s) will NOT be able to use.
- In Board/Output/SCTE-35 "Splice ptsTime UTC" checkbox and "PTS offset" field added.
- If PlaylistEditor was resized, drag and drop was not working in the expanded area.
- Default setting of preview.type forced to direct3D to avoid playout issues if preview window is open on certain system (especially on Intel UHD 620/630 GPU's).
- File check added at AdEz import
- Dalet import added.
- cibEngine as run added.
- cibEngine import added.
- ShowText was not aware of second CG (if enabled) and kept loading text on CG1 instead of CG2 if layer >=6. As OSD off was aware of second CG it didn't delete the text if it was loaded on layer >=6
- Auto word wrap disabled in memo field of ShowText and ShowCrawl instructions.
- Time format field added in the OSD Panel for the Realtimeclock
- Simplified OSD layers increased from 10 to 20
- Simplified OSD layers shared same text buffer, now each one does have it's own text buffer.
- PlaylistEditor in EasyPlay mode didn't load the Playlist as UTF8 (Unicode char might got lost because of that)
- Source audio level setting was might not applied always after enable of the source.
- In the update might deleted a wrong file which then caused exceptions on start of Mplay.
- Using PlaylistEditor in EasyPlay might didn't store the Playlist as UTF8 (Unicode chars might got lost because of that)
- Using Save/Save as in EasyPlay didn't store the Playlist as UTF8 (Unicode char might got lost because of that)
- Not handled exception if more than one channel in one Mplay instance and no CG enabled on the second channel
- Version had some issues in event calulation which affected Mplay and PlaylistEditor
- With directory cache enabled the "search with exact filename and no extension" was not working properly.
- Added configuration properties in Source, Source forwarding output and Main output for WebRTC Multicasting and Turn Server.
- Compiler updated
- Drop drown "read_url.max_wait" in board/others tab
- Checkbox "Change 2019-02-13T17:17:09.000-0800 to 2019-02-13T17:17:09.000-08:00" added in streaming/properties tab.
- Checkbox "Remove all #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME except first" added in streaming/properties tab.
- LogoID in the ShowLogo instruction so logos can be replaced seemless if they have the same ID.
- Added/Enabled translation table for "Masterplay" import
- If router polling is enabled, the polling requests and answers are not in Debug log anymore.
- Using of BackgroundColor=RRGGBB could cause increased playlist loading times and timeouts.
- Checkbox "Add #EXT-X-PROGRMA-DATE-TIME if missing on HLS" added in the streaming tab
- In source tab added "Use ext_audio mode" checkbox which can improve audio quality on certain devices.
- In dual channel mode, might background audio on second channel was not loaded properly.
- In Mixer Tab the checkbox "add even after start" added
- If there were several NDI sources on same Computer and/or the ports/IP change the source could not find the NDI source anymore and needed manually selected and started.
- BuildTree time has been increased to 5 seconds and a warning added, if it does take more than 2 seconds, that past events might should be removed to speed up playlist loading.
- WebRTC encoding monitoring added.
- Background verify is now only, if really the source does reinit which is used for the background.
- Added "Background apps" checkbox in the Configuration/Options/Windows tab
- Added the possiblity to add several sources into the mixer which is helpful to create individual N-1 outputs for like converance calls with WebRTC so each caller does not hear himself but can hear the others on the return feeds.
- It is now possible to have several WebRTC streaming outputs. They are added like regular streaming outputs. (right click in the "other" tabs in the board tab)
- If set config "replace original audio with=source x" was used and the source had a audio level other then 0 that level was not applied properly.
- Added the possiblity to have each source available as WebRTC
- Memory leak fixed, in case of External Program function in playlist was used.
- The time events limit of 1000, has replaced with a 2 second time limit on building the event tree. Which means, as faster the system as more time events it does allow. 2 seconds are about 10'000 time events on a decent system.
- On DeckLink Mini Monitor cards 10Bit is now enabled per default, to solve possible not smooth playback in case of SD resolutions.
- Auto update function was broken in if update failes, close Mplay manually, delete the MplayDel.exe and rename the MplayNew.New to Mplay.exe and start Mplay.
- Since next visible events were not loaded properly if prefetch or internet export was not enabled.
- Metadata update in prefetch folder improved.
- Right click on preview window, if it's a source preview, has now an entry called "source" with the sub entries "Reinitialize, Enable, Disable"
- in Filename is now recognized as date and time (seconds not needed but of course that still works if the seconds are there)
- Prefetch list creation improved in case of Metadata changes.
- Save in SegmentEditor does now also update the prefetch folder directly.
- Added closed caption drop down on playback engine/others tab where capturing of closed caption, can be disabled in case of certain Decklink boards if the frame rate on capture is not working properly.
- In playback engine if mxf.hidden_index is disabled a path for the .idx files can be configured. if NULL is entered as path no .idx file is created.
- If modify date is changing always on playback is an issue, disable mxf.hidden_index in the others tab of playback engine.
- Synchronized streaming start/stop improved. (2018-12-01)
- Compiler updated
- in Streaming Tab/Properties synchronize group ID configuration. Helpfull if using several streaming tabs for HLS multiformat streams so they start and stop synchronized. Only enable Monitoring restart on ONE the synchronized streams on the other ones set Monitoring to STOP. Also only enable Auto start one ONE of the synchronized streams.
- TimeFlag count down in case of break line is first item (if TimeFlag is enabled), does now also count to proper times.
- In TCP-IP configuration tab in the Remote protocol group the "add 1 second" checkbox to be able to disable the default one second offset on the FileSelectedStartTime,FileSelectedEndTime,TimeFlagCountDown times.
- SDK updated.
- If "clear statistic" in InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist was used and prefetch enabled the selection of next file was not properly working.
- If Invert was used in InsertDirectory and select random or select normal invert was not working properly.
- In Break mode if a break was cued, the count down to next time flag might jumped early to 0 instead counting until the actual switch.
- Disable output on closing of software so Decklink Quad does passthru input to output
- If TimeFlag is checked in a Break line, while the commercials are playing it does count down to end of the commercials and after that to start of next break time.
- "US" checkbox added in the InsertDirectory item added which stands for "Update Statistic". This is helpful if there are several files in a folder which all do have same number of segments and which should play randomly or normal but playing all segments before going to next file. So uncheck the US checkbox on ALL entries EXCEPT on the last segment.
- If a video file does end within a second of an exact event, the event is changed on the fly to an floating skip event. It is possible to disable this behaviour in the system tab.
- Added TimeFlag checkbox in break item in playlist.
- Metadata update is now suspended while playlist is changing to avoid possible timing issue.
- Audio preview on source may not restored properly after restart.
- DTMF sequence was may ignored if BG was configured in Source tab.
- Improved playlist import for Peeble Beach Systems format.
- Improved waiting for currently not available NDI source.
- TTS channel mapping might not properly initialized on program start.
- Using of SegmentEditor in Mplay may caused serious issues after closing of SegmentEditor.
- Automatically adding of default extensions in case of PE2 might failed.
- If a file with several segments was drag/dropped into playlist, PlaylistEditor/Mplay may rised an memory exception on close of application.
- In Multichannel systems if DTMF detection from source was used the DTMF were checked globally. Now they are per channel and only executed if the source is selected as background and system is waiting for GPI.
- The function behind the Drop down in the InsertDirectory instruction for the source of the file age was vice versa.
- Date/Time from filename does now support serveral underlines ahead of the date, like Part1_Part2_2018-10-10_23_30_24.gif or Part1_Part2_Part3_2016-05-30T12-34-27 previously only Part1 was allowed.
- At InsertDirectory instruction the alternate directory does now also support the * parameter, like drive\directory\myFiles*.mp4
- At InsertDirectory the alternate directory can have it's own name so if used in comming up it does reflect of the select directory alternative directory
- SCTE35 triggers in HLS added.
- If use CPD folder for Metadata it is possible to enable adding directories to filenames. Helpful if files with same name in different directories are used.
- In Prefetch configuration, drop down added to configure how many and where the directories should be added into the filenames.
- DTMF custom setting added in source.
- Approval log added
- Approval of multiple selected items with just one time entering user/password is possible
- EBU R 128 standard normalisation added.
- To speed up loading of playlist in case of several 1000 time events, only the first 1000 time events are loaded. if there are more, the playlist is automatically reloaded at midnight.
- If a file is failed to add to playout playlist, it does try now up to 3 times again until it does give up and skip that file.
- Cleanup of right click on source and output monitor of the capture and set background menus and added some funktionalities
- source with just one audio channel didn't show any audio levels.
- added more WebRTC settings in the Mplay configuration.
- Since the main output compressor settings where overwritten by the source audio compressor settings.
- Part of WebRTC detail configuration is now possible in MPlay configuration of output and sources.
- Translation table added for Pebble Beach Systems import
- Icon in Playlist was might not updated even Metadata was reloaded automatically
- Source may not reinitialize properly if issue was detected.
- In case of source X was used as audio only background and the video source was from Decklink the audio only volume was not applied.
- NDI video timeout is now disabled per default. It could be enabled in the Board/others tab if needed.
- On ReturnPathStart and ReturnPathStop instruction status check first. If not ready instruction is refused.
- NDI source list is now alphabetically ordered and it does NOT refresh while the drop down is down.
- Each source can have it's own audio compressor settings (2018-07-24)
- Compiler updated
- In "Others" tab, if the "If no signal" is on "show default" then it will be changed to "show black only". if needed, change it back to "show default". Mplay will only change it once, after that not anymore.
- Directory cache is disabled if InsertDirectory has a search term. like c:\directory\%m-dd-yy%*.mp4
- Master override instruction was not working properly if received thru IP.
- If pause was pressed then exact event reached but nothing to play, the predefined "background" didn't pass to output.
- It is possible to disable the "minimize router communication to master out" by uncheck it. Per default Mplay does not send same instruction to router again before 1000 seconds are passed.
- Search for Break and set router on start is now configurable for each break configuration not global anymore.
- Max Age does not ignore 0 Byte files anymore so that also files are reconized which are still encoding.
- Improvements of auto restart capture if scheduler is used.
- SDK updated
- In the Break configuration the default background source is possible to select.
- Weekly capture scheduling added in each source.
- Added skipping video frames in the "others" tab. Enable the writer to skip video frames can help to keep stream in lip sync, especially on slower systems.
- Exception in PlaylistEditor of no playlist was found.
- If there were two routers, the "use for ON-AIR status" was not working properly.
- Implementation of router polling every 3 seconds is possible to enable in the router panel in the main user interface with a right click. Also it can be used as referance for OnAir status. The setting is saved by "Configuration/save window parameters" in main user interface. The polling is threaded so it should not disturb user interface.
- The BG button on the source menu bar is hidden per default. With right click in source window is it possible get it back and save it with "Save window parameters"
- Remote protocol does now support to receive regular instructions like in the playlist.
- In source configuration video preview window, video preview checkbox and audio preview checkbox replaced with a button called "Show preview window"
- Audio preview checkbox in source preview window is working now.
- SourceCaptureStart does now support %% like SourceCaptureStart,3,source3%_YYYY-MM-DD_HH_NN_SS%
- ReplacePercent was not working if the % was the last char of the string.
- in the break tab "Replace pause with instruction" "Replace next with instruction" and "Listen and execute even not in GPI mode" added.
- In the instruction configuration in the show drop down "in time from now" and in the hide drop down "in time from show" parameter add. This allows to program instructions in the playlist independed from any files.
- If source used for background audio of stills was NOT on auto start, it was not automatically started.
- NDI source didn't start if previous used source is not available anymore, even if different NDI source is selected.
- Start of a source didn't timeout if starting did fail.
- Substitute table is now used also available for searchs where "fileExist" function is used and in OSD functions.
- The source name is now used for the mp://xxx so if a source needs to be shared use mp://source name on the other source.
- If TTS source is configured the EAS text is now also mixed into output (even if no xml) as configured and not just on windows output.
- Insert Directory auto fill didn't work if there was no valid file at all, found in the main directory.
- At Summit import the break char parameter added, which can help so separate the breaks if "use GAP detection" is not checked.
- The audio compressor settings are now also applied to the source loaded as "background" in the playlist.
- Next Live event function in certain conditions reported no live event.
- iTX import add support of translation table so logox instructions are able to import and replace with Mplay instructions
- If just one NDI source was available it might was not automatically enabled in the source after a restart. In the log it kept saying source not found.
- If show frames was enabled the times were screwed since around
- 3rd party as run logs might not properly written since around
- Audio jukebox might skipping several files without playing them fixed.
- If a complete day was selected in the PlaylistEditor the +- calculation was still on next event and not on next day first event.
- in case of multichannel with one Mplay instance, each channel has now it's own instant access panel
- Time out on capture start added with automatic reset.
- Scale attribute added at ShowLogo instruction. In case of SD for video files might exact-fit needs to be selected for correct size.
- If every day events were used with higher priority events, the next event calculation in PlaylistEditor was not working properly.
- AsRunTimeOffset value added in AsRunsUser.cfg
- Source fps check was not working properly
- Status protocol changes in the source value separation, source audio level added, stream fps and audio added.
- If insert directory feature is used in the CG, to select entries, might only every 2nd entry was really played.
- If a source was configured to be visible on start up and also configured as background, it might was not set as background.
- Use of external process on writer per default disabled to avoid audio/video sync issues.
- If break was cued and then stopped without starting first the passing video might was freezed.
- The instructions "!Set Config SCTE35 from file" and "!Set Config SCTE35 from string" where not working properly if additional parameters where configured, like the name.
- EmbedSCTE35 is now in each individual streaming/properties tab. Not on the Output tab anymore.
- In configuration/database tab the Up/Down buttons of Section Names where not working properly.
- if OnAir warnings is enabled and clicking on source there was no warning when changing background.
- Frame check increased from 5 to 15 values
- At Show CGC instruction edit field "Remove X frames from out point" added
- At Show CGC instruction checkbox "Unload layout at file end" added.
- EAS crawl repeat number is now working properly.
- OSD clear all layers, clearing order changed so it does clear in the opposite order as they are created which does result in smoother disappearance.
- Import thread timeout is possible to configure.
- Compiler updated.
- Added error reporting type selection in the streaming/status tab.
- Add right click popup at Buffers Monitoring
- Motion detection on sources. can be used to start/stop capture, reporting.
- Audio background source change drop down does now instantly change if nothing is playing
- Source reporting alert levels are possible to configured in the source tab.
- Screen updates/importer counter might got much faster than supposed to, if computer was running for more than 50 days
- GVG Native protocol checksum added. For more information check Routers.cfg file and search for "AJA KUMO16x16 default"
- Video preview and Audio preview checkbox in configuration/Board/Output removed. With right click on the video preview window with click on "Audio preview" audio preview on default audio device is enabled. Save the setting with configuration/save window parameter
- In Importer "Use Duration for ShowValue and HideValue" check box added
- In Board configuration in the others tab, network "low delay" drop down added. Enable it may improve rtsp and UDP stream playback. (2018-01-16)
- Compiler updated
- SDK updated
- In the source tab, in case of NDI, the Video input line is updated every second with latest found NDI sources.
- SetConfig instruction has now "SCTE35 from string" and "SCTE35 from file" option. In the sub folder where Mplay.exe is, is a folder called System\SCTE35 with some examples. Warning, this files are might overwritten with new update. so make sure to use different file names if customizing is needed.
- Mplay in EasyPlay mode the enhanced configuration does show the system tab.
- PlaylistEditor drag and drop was not working in case of EasyPlay mode
- if search mode "search with excat filename" was used, files might not found.
- Added "Search with exact filename no extension" in the drop down in the directories tab configuration
- Importer can now import AirBox *.ply playlists if they use the every hour statments in the *.ply file
- Capture with Intensity Pro might was not working.
- If source preview window was configured to be open on program start and the source was used as background, the background might didn't work.
- In EAS configuration a checkbox for "Start of message" and "End of message" usage.
- Timeout added in the importer, if threading is used, to enable the import button again in case of the import thread does take more than 30 seconds.
- SetConfig instruction has now "Out of network indicator" option. It does send SCTE-35 triggers to signaling the receiving side for local playback or network playback. Currently it does work only if FFMPEG muxer is used. It does NOT work if nablet muxer is used.
- in traffic import "Traffic is Master" checkbox is unchecked automatically if "Add in/out points" is checked.
- if item name CountDownToFileEnd is used in ml-cgs the software will automatically write the remaining seconds into the value
- if item name ProgressBarPlayed is used in ml-cgs the software will automatically update the width with the progress of the current file.
- libx264 replaced with libopenh264
- "Decode all audio tracks" checkbox in the source tab. If enabled and the source is a transport/program stream then all audio pid's of the selected program stream are decoded and added to the channel mapping.
- If in the board tab a panic input is defined a panic button added on main user interface. If pressed it does switch the router to the predefined input AND does disable external control (so no further router instructions or other instructions are sent) With pressing the restore external control button panic mode is disabled.
- HW acceleration drop down for decoding in the Board/Others tab updated.
- Fps in capture tab and source tab might keept showing 0,00 in certain region settings.
- PlaylistEditor if drag and drop of files on the event tree, the EventEditor does open so a new event can be created and then the dropped files will be added to that event.
- Source might showing black OnAir, if source was not enabled before going OnAir. Notice: even it is not needed anymore to have it enabled it is prefered to do so, because depending of source type it can take a while until the source has stable picture. for example if the source is a live stream it may delay to going to air couple seconds.
- Wild char in Filename is now working without having "Search with wild char" enabled
- Drawing speed of playlist improved.
- if EAS audio is activated but the source was not enabled already, the main output audio might staggered if mainout was 720p
- Audio map TTS SOM/EOM added
- "On stop set background" option improved.
- If Mixer is enabled, per default sync mode is now on default which means "enabled" it was used to be disabled. if there are issues noticed change it back to disable, save the setting and restart Mplay.
- in Break tab "Use SCTE 35 triggers" checkbox added.
- Search type drop box added in the importer for file check function.
- Lite SD software type added. if Lite SD is selected, it is only possible to select SD resolutions for playback.
- improvement of live duration detection raised some compatiblity issues in use or newer.
- improved live duration detection. New version of control software is needed to handle the additional parameters correct.
- set file rate parameter added in the set config instruction.
- In treeview the day name added on the right of the date.
- In the Lite version enable of a source stream could cause an exception
- Capture button visible setting was not stored/restored properly on source/live windows
- CC preview setting on source and live windows might not restored proberly
- Improved fps check auto restart timing.
- Round trip time added to status protocol. The host which should be used for the ping needs to be configured in the TCP-Ip configuration
- Capture button may didn't start the correct source if the source didn't have the source number in the caption name.
- Position of capture button in source windows corrected.
- If source was defined as background, it may was not passed to the output after restart of application. (2017-08-18)
- Compiler update
- SDK updated, might verify after install of the update, that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable x86 and x64 is added to the Apps/features (installed programs) if not, they can installed manually from where the Mplay folder \system\medialooks\x86\vc_redist.x86.exe and \system\medialooks\x64\vc_redist.x64.exe
- SCTE-35 trigger detection implemented
- Pepple Beach Systems xml playlist files in traffic importer enhanced with automatic event floating play all events and it is possible do define once a day a different event type.
- In simplyfied user interface at the Panels/clocks menu all the big clocks added.
- if there were device and stream source configurations mixed, it did happen that the stream configuration may has screwed up the configuration of a previously loaded device configuration on application start.
- In prefetch tab, it is possible to tell prefetch to include just certain local drives to prefetch as well.
- Full screen setting of source preview was not restored properly on start up.
- Video input line selection may was not restored properly in case of cards with several inputs.
- DTMF sending and decoding on channels 3 or higher possible. for DTMF sending Configuration/Board/Output. for DTMF decoding Configuration/Board/Source X/Properties
- Live source if loaded thru cg layout may not showing on screen.
- Audio only recording was not working properly. (this is also used in case of EAS passing)
- Separate network and file buffer setting. Especially when playing anything from network it is strongly adviced to set the buffer to couple seconds to avoid drop outs on the stream.
- Error after initialization live device:Access violation at address, fixed.
- fps check for capture added.
- Auto start of source if restart is enabled, delayed until the software mode is running
- NDI init, selection improved.
- Source configuration is now reloaded if the source is closed so on the fly change of audio channels does work. In older versions it was needed to reselect the video device, audio device and then the channel format.
- fps check added in the source configuration.
- Separate thread for requests thru the status connection.
- AdEz import in case used for main playlist improved. The original data is added so a .ver file can be created for as run log.
- Cue/Recue may not selected the correct file on manual cueing.
- In the break tab the check box "let the current playing file finish" added. If this is checked and the stop is received it keeps playing until the current file is finished and does then stop.
- DTMF decoding in the source added. Which does allow to decode DTMF even from streams or SDI embedded channels.
- In case output format is NTSC or PAL progressive checkbox added.
- If playlist was changed, the wrong OSD instruction may was reloaded.
- The supposed to forced Bracket duration in filename was overwritten with default duration of InsertDirectory duration if the forced bracket duration did match with the default duration configured in Mplay.
- from until capture of closed captions was not working with Decklink cards.
- License in PlaylistEditor was not correct loaded in
- Special functions are now vertical instead horizontal
- NDI output does now incude output or source name.
- Over/Under calculation improved in case of floating play all events
- Access violation in prefetch thread fixed.
- if an exact event is following after several floating event the last floating event was not cleaned up correct which then could cause the first file in the exact event to play twice.
- Close of source might lost the configuration so if init was clicked might wrong source configuration was used. Now when the source is closed, the last configuration is instantly reloaded to make sure correct configuration is loaded.
- if 3rd party logfile format was not found and not "None" selected, it could cause serious delay when writing the logfiles.
- Added StreamingStart and StreamingStop command to ip protocol. In case of multichannel of Mplay or several streaming configurations, the command can be used like streamingstop,2,3 means instruction is for channel 2 and streaming 3.
- If Mplay was started on secondary monitor the capture configuration was not visible.
- Timecode format drop down added in the board configuration. This does only work for SDI output of Decklink and Deltacast cards.
- Synchronized playback, resume improved.
- Synchronized playback, if seeking is used on channel 1 it will also seek all other channels.
- In multichannel enviroment and source is used as background, init was not working properly on application start.
- In ImportUser.cfg the parameters CartNrDatabaseName and CartNrDatabaseFormat added (2017-04-05)
- Compiler update
- Encoders/Decoders updated
- SendTo instruction may raised an exception.
- Synchronized playback could fail.
- Multi channel capture panel added
- CartNrDatabaseName and CartNrDatabaseFormat parameter added to ImportUsers.cfg
- CC in SegmentEditor was not showing, even if it was enabled in Tool/Config PE2
- Create support logfile does not block user interface anymore.
- SDK updated
- beta of iTX protocol in playlist importer
- Return path enable/disable thru Monitoring software
- Restart of a stream which is live on the fly thru Monitoring software.
- Start of sources does not block user interface anymore
- In Windows 10, Mplay did not restore the left position of windows/forms correct, if the position was below 0. But because windows 10 has a invisible border of 7 frames, if a window is moved to top left it is actually -7,0 and NOT 0,0 ridiculous. But in case of interested why that is, look up with a web search engine DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS
- Capture start/stop does not block user interface anymore
- Exception in PlaylistCopy thread Metadatachangedatabase.
- in Metadata Manager a right click in the system tab it is possible to configure "interlace override" per file.
- Virtual Out does now use the channel name configured in the board tab or is called MplayVirtualOut with the channel number.
- Audio jukebox improvements
- in status protocol, return value of the total running time and the total played time were not properly updating.
- LiveBug on secondary slave channel might not showing.
- PlaylistEditor does show and use correct start frames if frames are used in the time events. (2017-02-12)
- SDK updated
- Aspect ratio detection improved.
- Changes in "Mute main audio as long as EAS pin is active"
- Disabled of audio level meters might kept a black window visible.
- SegmentEditor audio level meter is now possible to configure outside of the video window. the setting is saved with "Save window parameter" in the main menu of the PlaylistEditor.
- Audio Channels added to right click on video files. with that it is possible to select which audio channels should be used. channels start at 0. for example if the original file does have two audio channels, but they need to be available on channel 2 and 3 as well then change the value to 0,1,0,1. If the original file does have several audio languages but just language of CH 2 and 3 is needed then change the value to 2,3.
- Prefetch of a file with no metadata does now automatically analyse such a file, so the playlist is updated correctly.
- Checkbox in EAS "Mute main audio as long as EAS pin is active"
- Checkbox in EAS settings, to keep EAS audio passing enabled and EAS crawl up until EAS audio is below the configured level for the configured duration.
- EAS and EAS TTS audio source selection items where might doubled listed.
- Save of Metadata in the Metadata Manager didn't save into the prefetch folder.
- Since in case of prefetch was enabled, the metadata was refreshed too often which could cause the cursor to stay in hourglass.
- Watchdog Advisory timeout was correct applied in case of EAS Advisory
- Resume from remote system was not working properly since
- Big clock added for clip time code
- Timing issue in case of resume play in progress and the system was already playing.
- Auto uncue of Livestream added if central monitoring can't reached within configureable time.
- "LiveBugMode" parameter added to IP protocol
- Substitute table added in the directory tab. Helpful for InsertDirectory instructions to use %substitute" in the directory path
- Prefetched files are now added to the MetadataChanged database so even PlaylistEditor does update the status on the fly. Also if file is same file is replaced it will trigger an on the fly update.
- "Check Monitoring" warning in Monitoring software was not working properly in case of multichannel systems because Mplay did report wrong value.
- While Mplay is updating there is a file created called UpdateInProgress. The file will be deleted when Mplay is started after the update.
- Livestream or live source might stopped up to 500ms too late if used with a duration in the playlist.
- Added memory only possiblity in source delay configuration. Very helpful in case Mplay is used for profanity or CC text correction delay.
- If Livestream was cued, still pictures where not working anymore as always the Livestream was showing instead.
- Support for using a redistributed live feed instead the original feed. Does save internet bandwith if internally redistributed live feed is used.
- Support for redistributing a receiving live feed over decklink or NDI.
- Support for several channels using the main live source.
- Support for several HD/SD at the same time on one computer.
- Minimum live duration added at InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist instruction.
- It could happen that the frames too early error was raised but it was false alarm. (2016-11-18)
- Compiler update
- SDK updated
- If join to macro was enabled, delayed instructions where joined into the macro as well, which then made the instruction to fail as it was not executed on the configured time.
- Using of Macro in the Instant Access Panel the name parameter was not working properly.
- RSS feeds are now read as UTF8 per default.
- in AsRunUser.cfg if column name not found then it is used to search as parameter in the playlist item.
- in AsRunUser.cfg at Columns name RunDateTime added
- in AsRunUser.cfg %CH#% can used at FilePre and FileExt parameter.
- IfNOAccurateFileFoundUseLastFound value in ImportsUser.cfg. If no accurate traffic file is found, Mplay does use last found as fallback and the minor error counter is increasing.
- If shift is pressed when clicking on Fastfoward, it does decrease the speed down to slow motion.
- Directory timeout handling improved.
- On "Resume play from remote system" the lower/upper case of filename is ignored
- Format changes in capture are now always applied when clicking on start. Not just on start of application or destroying of object and creating again.
- Enhanced CG configuration "check for MOV in LoadFilename"
- "Before item ends" is now also executed if the value is 0 or if the time code might was very close to the end.
- Error message in logfile if Logo can't loaded.
- With very latest windows 10 updates it did happen that Mplay was not able to replace some open files during MplayUpdate. Might check after the update that the DLLs in Mplay's system folder are accurate. If unsure, simply make the MplayUpdate again.
- In DTMF Tab the Checkbox configuration does now get saved and restored
- In Board Tab "Duration recalc on open" added. If enabled it may can help on strange files to get the correct file length. The disadvantage is that might opening of files takes longer.
- In Board Tab "CC embed in files and streams" checkbox. It es enabled per default.
- In configuration tab windows, checkbox "Upgraded System" added. If enabled, and Windows build 1607 or newer is installed from scratch, the driver signature verification is disabled even if secure boot is enabled in the motherboard bios. To disable driver signature is needed because Decklink drivers are NOT correctly signed. (2016-09-19)
- Compiler update
- SDK updated.
- If a file name was just with numbers and that number was bigger then 2^16 Mplay/PlaylistEditor could crash if the file was not found and it needed to search for.
- Additional visible times in the EAS configuration added
- Instant Access Panel is now automatically saved into CommandListsFolder once a change has made. Which also means, it possible to make changes with PlaylistEditor then simply close Instant Access Panel and open it again to refresh.
- InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist instructions are now refreshed right when the first item of the Insert should be cued, to make sure to have most accurate data.
- In PlaylistImporter "Make breaks clock triggered" checkbox added
- In the source configuration, it is possible to enable to make them as NDI available.
- in Board/Others setting added for "External decoding process" of overlay. If there should be issues if playing gif sequences set the setting to no.
- in System Tab "OnPlaybackStart" and "OnPlaybackEnd" instruction list added.
- Two more settings added to SetConfig instruction: 'Set CG Item Value' and 'Copy file'
- Minimum filename length added in AdEz importer configuration.
- Multi channel panel with functions like Play, Cue, Stop and Resume play in progress which will be executed thru all the channels.
- If seach directory timeout was configured, it always did try to add the removed directories automatically again. This is now possible to disable and it can be triggered to add them again by click on "Load" button and select "Try to use X Directories again"
- Arrow buttons ins SegmentEditor were not working properly.
- If playlist was in over time and next event did start with live source, the source might was just black and no audio.
- PE2: Logo does load even there is no .osd configuration defined. it assumes position 0,0 and alpha channel. (2016-06-01)
- SDK updated. New FFMPEG
- Video source input is now saved as text and not as index.
- if using NDI sources, start of Mplay is might delayed couple of seconds because force search for the NDI sources.
- When selecting NDI Receiver, be patiently until the video inputs will update... it does take at least 3 seconds to refresh.
- If no signal still picture or video was used, the moving vertical bar was not automatically disabled.
- Router selection in edit item did show the index +1
- Prefetch cleanup, may delete files from prefetch folder which were actually still needed. It did fail on files which didn't have complete path information in the playlist.
- Positioning of Enable/Disable PlaylistEditor and Single Play checkbox was not correct in case of multichannel systems and separate playlist showing enabled or simplified interface enabled.
- On graph stopped detected setting was not correctly saved.
- Support of NDI as source and as destination added (
- Prefetch may didn't reconized the files in the prefetched folder if they didn't have the full path in the playlist.
- On multi-channel system, the source configuration was not saved properly
- It is possible to enable auto reboot, if Mplay can't send it's status to a remote server within a definable time.
- It is possible to configure on each source what to do if no signal is received.
- if sources do not have signal, a customized file can be selected to play or just showing black instead of showing "no signal" text
- With Lite license the sponsoring message was even showing in Segment Editor. (2016-04-24)
- SDK updated.
- Compiler updated.
- Prefetch/Export thread can be restarted with right click on the prefetch progress bar area.
- Filenames/directories support additional scheduling features in brackets. Check out the "START and END Dates for Files and Folders.pdf" from how to folder on
- Remote cued live stream can now previewed before going live.
- On multichannel systems separate output monitor for each channel is now available.
- Big clocks and preview window resizing is now working correct, but might they need to be adjusted in size after update and saved again.
- Temporarily enable of source preview is now possible in Lite. But there is a sponsoring button the whole preview window will close after a minute. (OnAir of course doesn't have that limitation)
- Audio low level warning was not working, if source preview window was not open.
- Some "terminated xxx frames to early" messages where not correct.
- Prefetch improved
- In version up to there were exceptions when updating audio levels in multichannel systems if sources where used.
- Picture grabbing of SegmentEditor with SDK does now work.
- InsertPlaylist "Breaks until next event" did not work correct.
- Last Marco of a time event might not loaded correct.
- The accuracy of frame/time based secondary instructions improved.
- SegmentEditor does now use SDK if it does find it. Which means, no K-LITE needed anymore for segmenting and it is possible to assign a Decklink card to the SegmentEditor for preview on regular TV. Also CC is visible in the preview window. To get to the configuration click on TOOL and select ConfigPE2 after clicking on Save there will be a SegmentEditor.ini which is used in Mplay AND PlaylistEditor.
- Version and were affected by an issue of wrong freeze errors, if the computer was not restarted every 50 days.
- At the as run log configuration it is possible to define a separate time offset (additional to the per channel clock offset).
- If clock offset was set, the logfilenames where still changing by the local computer clock and not with the offset.
- Background might not running after restart of application if the source was on the same card as for playback.
- Router instruction without any selection in it, did cause problems when loading the playlist.
- Implementation of threaded import was not properly. It could block the main thread which could result in black on playback if there were short files playing during importing of large playlists.
- Default time offset for the LoadInFile (sub function of InsertPlaylist) function in the Directory tab.
- #of remote connections increased to 16
- on EAS start and EAS it is possible to define a instruction playlist for each event which is executed on that events.
- On 4K cards and HD resolutions 10Bit is forced enabled, to avoid system freezes after couple of hours. If older version is installed make sure that output 10bit is manually enabled.
- Line out selection might not restored properly on application start. (Like on Decklink Extreme, even when selected composite, it was still on component)
- Filetransfer speed is now calculated by tick and not by time.
- Memory purgeing while copying and not just after copy.
- In some situations if prefetch was enabled the memory purge was not working properly.
- In case of picture sequences in CG it is possible to add In/Out points for the sequence. like this: Folder\*.bmp[50,200]
- Resume from remote system might did fail if the remote system already passed to next floating event.
- Memory leak in MaxAge function removed.
- On Decklink Quadcard sometimes the relay (video pass thru) was not disabled.
- SDK updated. Notice, because of a bug in earlier versions of the SDK when reading interlaced png sequences, that sequences my need to be rexported in top field first.
- PlaylistEditor sometimes did raise exception if loading new playlist or select new default playlist.
- Serial Port DTR (pin 4) and RTS (pin 7) are now able to control thru the parallel port instruction so used as GPI out. Configure that serial port as GPI in the port configuration TAB. Bit 1 is DTR, Bit 2 is RTS.
- if temp directory was not found, Mplay might didn't start properly.
- Additional play instruction removed after cue only.
- PlaylistEditor does read the MaxAgeHandling from Mplay.ini of channel 1
- It is now possible to have Instant Access Panel AND Instant Access External Overlay open.
- Buffer size was not correct restored.
- Playback engine configuration is now directly in the board tab. No separate Window anymore.
- Audio channel mapping improved.
- Audio monitoring of a stream might didn't detect loss of stream so it didn't try to restart stream.
- EAS audio source was not always initialized.
- Daily playlist mode did force reload of playlist at midnight which caused floating events to skip files.
- Not existing or timed out directories are removed automatically from the search folders. They will be added automatically if they should be available again.
- Might two exception did appear when Application was started when the communication form was initializing.
- Daily playlists can now have several entries of next days. Not suggested to use, but for compatibility of systems which generate playlists with events of not same day this can be helpful.
- If clock did change more than 58 minutes, resume play in progress can be triggered. The drop down to enable it is in system tab. This function can be helpful in case of daylight saving changes.
- I mixer mode was enabled and audio jukebox used, the main volume didn't change the audio jukebox volume.
- Audio fade out of audio jukebox improved
- In case of multichannel with one applications a not needed additional empty as run log file was created.
- In case of live event until next exact time event and "resume play in progress" was used, the function might fail or resume from wrong position.
- InsertDirectory it is now possible to use the directory string as like this: Q:\MyFolder\MyFiles*.mpg which means, it will select only files which starts with MyFiles and have the extension .mpg in the Q:\MyFolder. This does only work if sub folders is unchecked
- Resume function can now selected without pressing stop first. If OnAir warnings are enabled there is a warning first.
- PlaylistEditor did show files in purple color, even if "Play only approved files" was not enabled in Mplay.
- if router instruction was used to generate a black gap in playlist, in case of still pictures ahead that didn't work properly.
- the show parameter of instructions "at run at item" is now allowed to be negative like -0:00:10:00 which means, the instruction will be executed 10 seconds before the actual time in the playlist.
- if Mplay was started thru task scheduler it didn't get correct memory and io priorities.
- Source picture preview was might just showing black after the source was stopped and started again.
- Internet export enabled checkbox was not restored after restart of application
- EAS Text to speech integrated and can be passed to embedded audio channel 3 and channel 4 or thru computer onboard audio. Also EAS start and end tones are able to play. A xml files can be used for EAS messages additionally to the received EAS messages and they will be played every 10 minutes again.
- Pitch Blue xml files can be imported by drag drop the pitch blue video file to PlaylistEditor keep CTRL key pressed when making right click on the file where you want import, and select "Merge separated metadata and video file". The XML file does need to be at the same place as the video file is and it does have to have same filename. After the import the xml is not needed anymore.
- EAS enhanced.
- Audio channel mapping added in source configuration.
- If a file was segmented if selected in the Metadata Manager list the saved Metadata was not at the configured default destination.
- Additional selection in Break configuration added for inverting of the Serial GPI signals. (2015-09-24)
- New Compiler
- PE2: SDK updated
- Skip if event is longer than xxx minutes does now also work on InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist.
- PE2: CC preview can now selected to preview only or rendering into main picture output in the Board/others configuration TAB
- Skip if event is longer than xxx minutes was not working correctly
- PE2: Multilines in case of ShowText can be made by using
as the line separator
- PE2: ShowCrawl direction top to bottom and bottom to top. the Text is automatically written vertically
- Right click on item, there is an option Skip/Skip if event is longer than xxx minutes. if it is configured, it will skip that file, if the event is already longer than the configured number of minutes.
- PE2: Video switch command with live, was might terminated the cue time of next file early.
- VGA: the 64bit version does now also include MplayAccel.exe in 64bit. If there are issues with certain files, replace the MplayAccel.exe with the one from the 32Bit update. (Mplay can talk with 32 and 64bit of MplayAccel.exe)
- VGA: at end of play exception.
- VGA: still pictures where not sliding.
- PE2: CG object was attached even if no CG was enabled in the configuration.
- PE2: 24/7 capture might didn't start automatically correct and restart of stream/capture might cause freeze of application.
- PE2: if cueing of a file did took longer than the pre cue time the already played file was played again and then new cued file was played. Now the already played file is not played again but there will be black and a minor error message is written to the log that disk/networks speed should be checked and/or pre cue time increased.
- If Mplay did analyze a file, the last analyzed file was not released until another one was analyzed.
- InsertDirectory the Include SubDirs checkbox is replaced with a drop down with "no subdirs","Include Subdirs" and "one file per subdir" selection
- If number of visible events was higher than 1 and if there where many files with no metadata, it could happen that the exact event was delayed to happen until that files where analyzed.
- PE2: If livestreams are used, they were not pre cued and the video file after the live stream was not pre cued neither. Which could cause to quite many black frames especially if not using SSD's for the files.
- PE2: SDK downgraded to that one which still compatible with 9.8 Decklink drivers.
- PE2: if FadeOut was 0 the exact event was not working properly.
- PE2: Preview window on desktop in case of NTSC 16:9 and PAL 16:9 was wrong aspect ratio
- PE2: 3840x2160@50p,3840x2160@59.94p,3840x2160@60p,4096x2160@50p,4096x2160@59.94p,4096x2160@60p added. Notice: if DCI or 3D resolutions are used, they need to be reconfigured after updated, as the index is shifted by 3 respectively 6.
- SegmentEditor might showing a black window on top of the video window.
- SegmentEditor might crashing when closing certain type of files.
- PE2: SDK downgraded (On Windows 7 Version and 30 might closed instantly on start, to restore functionality extract the update manually, replace all files if it asks to and delete MplayNew.New after extraction)
- PE2: EAS audio source might was not able to select, if router option was not activated.
- PE2: Overlay Thread is now enabled on default setting
- PE2: In capture "Max Age" added. If the value is larger than 0 then every time when a capture is started or file switched then all files which are older than the value are deleted. the value is in days and can be like: 1.5 which means files older than 1.5 days will be deleted.
- Button "Audio loss warnings" button added in the Source window, which simply does open the popup menu which is in the source monitor. But might the source monitor is currently not open so this is a short cut to configure the alarms or restart of source if no audio is received.
- Adjustments for Windows 10. Auto start can now selected to use Registry combined with task, so that it is possible to keep UAC enabled but Mplay still started as Admin so it is able to change the clock. Notice, we strongly suggest to use the Monitoring software to sync the time. which means, that actually the monitoring software should have the "Run as administrator" checked in the compatibility settings of the Control.exe.
- In enhanced mode of the configuration there is now a tab called Windows. There are some Windows configuration settings which can be helpful in certain situations. As some of that settings are stored in the Windows registry, if Mplay is copied to different computer this settings on this tab, might need to configure again. The application MUST be started with right click "as Administrator" that the modifications can be applied.
- Audio level numbers in preview window improved.
- PE2: In version live inputs where not working properly
- Playback monitoring has now "Resume play in progress" as possible recovery scenario to select.
- If "Graph stopped" is detected the system can be instructed to recovery with resume play in progress instead going to next file.
- Play duration check has now "Resume play in progress" as possible recovery scenario to select.
- Midnight CPD cleanup does not block user interface anymore.
- PE2: 24/7 video/audio logger built in. Simply configure one of the streams the file format to use, destination folder define filename structure and how many seconds each file should be and Mplay will keep capturing as long as it runs.
- PE2: "Live error" message on program start.
- "Read only Enable/Disable" checkbox in the interface configuration. If this is checked even in Masterplay OnAir there is the "Playlist Editor" checkbox visible in the main user interface. (like it is in EasyPlay)
- PE2: sources and streamings can be added and removed in the configuration tab without restarting of the software.
- In PlaylistEditor when changing a date might an exception did happen.
- In InsertPlaylist at Loading Mode "select event#" added.
- PE2: If mixer mode is enabled, EAS audio is now supported by the LIVE sources. (no windows passing needed anymore).
- PE2: EAS audio will be passed to ALL channels in the system IF Live sources are enabled and mixer mode is enabled.
- PE2: Master volume out was not working on the fly since about
- PE2: SDK updated
- New Compiler (2015-07-02)
- PE2: CG Layer is now also the priority on the screen. As higher the number as more on top. on previous version of Mplay the latest loaded CG was always on top.
- BackgroundColor=rrggbb parameter added to playlist items. The value is in HEX. This value overroles the background value defined in the color database or color drop down.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Since might the application couln't start correctly
- Email notification in info field enhanced, additional values: Over only, Under only. Does also need new Monitoring software which does read that values.
- Possible access violation at address 40F175 in refresh display fixed.
- The load popup menu has a new entry called "Change clock offset". With this it is possible to define a offset between the computer clock and the channel. Helpful if there is more than one channel on a computer and the channels do have different time zones. The AsRun does honor that offset. Status, Operator and debug log does use computer clock always. The configuration is saved with Configuration/Save window parameters.
- PE2: SDK updated
. Reinit of source is possible to enable in the audio warning settings of a source.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Since aja card was might not correct initalized.
- If external control enable on start was enabled and router was configured might an exception was happen on application start.
- PE2: 4K progressive resolutions added.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Load of saved window parameter while application is running.
- in case last file was playing of a floating mode event and playlist was reloaded, Mplay didn't clean up the playlist correct after that file was played. Which could to skip files in next time event if there were several files with exact same filename after each other, if the playlist was reloaded again while one of that file was playing.
- External Control is now per default enabled which means even with no router configured and no Monitoring Software Mplay does now show the "ON-AIR" text, which means the SendTo instructions are sent and if there is a router, the router instructions are sent as well. In the system tab there is "External control" group to configure the behavor.
- Single play mode improved and now also available in Masterplay OnAir if in break mode. (Not just in EasyPlay), as long as "Single play" is checked, as long Mplay does always just play one file, stop and then cue the next one, if that is configured to cue in the interface configuration.
- Instant Access Panel "Add from clipboard" added in the right click context menu.
- PE2: if a output card didn't have an out line, it was not listed in the output devices.
- In case of break mode the G key is mapped to stop current playing break list and cueing the next break list.
- PE2: SDK updated.
- Metadata Manager search improved.
- External OnAir status polling added. Helpful if is a main and backup player but the switching is done externally with 3rd party tool
- Metadata search might didn't work if create database was not selected.
- Traffic import, if "Create Playlist from Scratch" was not checked and the schedules didn't start at same start time, some of the first event's of day where skipped.
- Aspect ratio if MplayAccel was used for analying the files, was not correct sometimes.
- Sub level increase (coloring bar in the playlist) possible thru text compare.
- PE2: Live stream functionality enhanced. InsertDirectory and InsertPlaylist can automatically get replaced if a defined live stream is cued. Also they can be replaced with an alternet directory if there is a newer file.
- PE2: SDK updated.
- In Parameters.txt Library the file duration and LastChange are now in human readable format.
- Enable of automatic library update and the interval is possible in the Metadata configuration
- Mplay sometimes kept the mouse in an selected area, even Mplay or that form which actually was ment, was not active. (If that should happen in earlier versions, press CTRL-TAB)
- Additional watchdog for advisories
- In Metadatamanager added configuration for volume offset and enable/disable of Dynamic Audio
- PE2: SDK updated.
- Max Age Handling added. It can be selected by right click in the playlist of Mplay and it is saved with Confgiuration/Save Window Parameter
- PE2: Audio jukebox improved
- PE2: click on next might didn't cancel the a currently running live stream.
- PE2: With external decoding enable on certain system there might be audio drop outs, especially in case of several channels on one computer. If so, it is possible to disable it in Board configuration/others. Restart of Mplay is needed after a change.
- EAS might doesn't show up and in the status log is an unhandled exeption listed.
- Router instructions since might terminated the playback.
- Initalisation of router might did fail and raise an major error
- On 64Bit, DTMF decoder and Encoder are now working as well.
- Memory leak when creating export list.
- Memory leak when reading from ini file but the file does not exists.
- VGA mode might did raise an error every time when Mplay was started.
- PE2: SDK is used to analyse the file information.
- Help/Download latest build, does reconize if application does run 32/64bit and download the correct update for it.
- Mplay does now reconized
- also available as 64Bit version.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Background audio might didn't calculate the length of the still pictures. if that was the case there were messages like "003 Exception: Control '' has no parent window in CountAudioLength..." in the status.log
- PE2: SDK updated
- If #of visible events was higher then 1 and the next visible event was added with sub playlist and subplaylist update monitoring was enabled not need reload of Playlist did happen.
- Audio low level warnings can be enabled on source and on main output by making a right click on the video windows.
- OSD Panel improved.
- PE2: SDK updated
- If "Monitor sub playlists" was enabled and a repeat floating event event was between two exact break events, the GPI instructions during the floating event might were not ignored.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Init of live source does only happen, if really needed. before it was always initalizied even if not needed, which might resulted that no playback was possible on the decklink card because the card was already occupied by a live source.
- In case of prefetch enabled and metadata attached to file, the metadata might was not updated if file length was changed or change after play was enabled. The setting is now enabled per default to try to update the metadata. if there are speed issue experianced it can be disabled by uncheck the "Try to update attached metadata" in the metadata settings configuration of Mplay.
- Debug file selection in the Error/Status window didn't work correct.
- Since the router instruction duration was not counted to the total duration
- In traffic import it is possible configure how many days it should look ahead.
- PE2: Because of problems with RTMP stream creation in previous writer from older SDK does replace the new one.
- PE2: Fast forward button enabled. with every click on it the playback speed is increased by 2 up to 10
- PE2: SDK updated
- Per default duration of missing files is not added to the total calculation anymore. if there should be need for, it can be enabled in the playlist properties
- PE2: SDK updated
- Salt Lake City import can now handle serveral dash's in the commercial name and it will reconize the start time which starts also with dash correct.
- Nvision tcp-ip router protocol added
- Since audio jukebox function was not working properly because might the duration of the audio files was not able to calculate.
- Auto clean up function for the CPD folder. If Metatadata is configured to "Use cpd directory" and "Auto cleanup" is enabled, every day around midnight Mplay does scan for all video files found in the search folders and does remove ALL cpd files for where was no video file found. With right click on the option it can also triggered manually. if you do it the very first time, as there are might many files in the folder, it might does take several seconds to clean.
- Since might an additional *.cpd file is created at the original position where the video file is.
- On multichannel systems, Mplay did cancel export even if 3 of 4 playlists where available. Chancel of export does mean, prefetch stopped working and internet export until all playlists where available
- To determine the file parameters MplayAccel is now used and not analysing tool inside of MPlay or PlaylistEditor. This does avoid a memory leek in case of many new files are used without metadata. Also it does avoid a possible sudden closing of Mplay or PlaylistEditor if analysing does fail. (2014-11-21)
- New Compiler
- PE2: in the capture configuration the directory and the configuration string was not stored correctly
- Since there was a problem with the searching for files in the search folders.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Warning if output can't get enabled because the board is might already in use.
- Do NOT use versions to they have serious issues with inpoints.
- To avoid issues of half installed update, the subscription warning message with the possibility to cancel is removed. Because if cancel was pressed and the update was a PE or PE2 the update was already installed half and could cause some troubles. To get it back working, the easiest way was delete the Medialooks folder in Mplay system folder start Mplay and make the correct update again. (Mplay will start in VGA mode and get back normal after the update is done)
- In mixer configuration, Default main video size and position configuration added.
- Time sync to central monitoring added.
- file extensions in the configuration are automatically lower cased always.
- PE2: Logo Fade IN/OUT enabled.
- PE2: If initialisation of Decklink card was slow it could happen that the configuration menu was not enabled for quite a long time.
- PE2: If EAS is triggered the audio ducking is now faded
- PE2: If there was background audio playing, the audio was not ducked if EAS was triggered.
- PE2: if video or audio preview in playback engine config was enabled the configuration might didn't load complete.
- PE2: mFormat decoder logic can be changed to newer logic which can have some advantages, especially of MXF files. If you use mov files might the opposite can happen. (after change of value, restart of Mplay is needed)
- PE2: MXF settings adjusted to solve 64K partition block size issue
- PE2: memory and process leak in case of using streams as sources solved.
- Automatic resume in progress if idle and playlist is updated can be enabled in system tab.
- PE2: in TestTab checkbox "Use metadata file length as referance"
- PE2: SDK updated
- If traffic import had an entry then the supposed to happen cleaning and refresh at midnight mnight didn't happen
- RunAndComingUpPlain.Log added in LogFiles configuration tab
- Episode total parameter added in weekly episode mode
- Multiline enabled on router input label
- PE2: Audio PFL for sources
- PE2: Audio fade in in Butterfly mode when activate source
- PE2: In simplified user interface in case of using Decklink card, the audio panel was not visible in the panel menu.
- Even local direcories results were cached if prefetch was enabled
- in Directory tab the parameter "Default time offset if Date Time is in Filename found" this is helpful in case the players are in different time zone to add or subract a global time offset assuming the files are all created in same time code. This is only releveant in case MAXAGE function is used.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Interlace setting checkbox: 'SD Files as progressive always'
- PE2: SDK updated
- Progressive added as possible deinterlacing setting.
- InsertDirectory it is possible to select "On over length skip following items to keep on time" which means, all content of the InsertDirectory is played, but content AFTER the InsertDirectory is might skipped to get back on time.
- PE2: SDK updated
- If a router was using TCP-IP protocol might Mplay did show an exception and didn't start all the way
- PE2: exact event while live input was playing, might failed to start the video files in the next event.
- PE2: clicking on Next button while playing live input the following video file was skipped.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: added a small delay between each output of decklink quad card when enable the outputs. To give the relais enough time before next one does close.
- Memory purge function add to clear windows standby memory cache (if prefetch is activated).
- If an exact event did start with a live input and there was audio fade out enabled, the live input, might didn't have audio
- Background audio after start of application might enabled even if there was a video playing.
- The output can be configured to be restarted every 24 hours.
- in the source selection on main screen there are per default more items visible in simple selection mode.
- Since audio fade out on exact event was not working correct.
- The size of the Metadata Manager in PlaylistEditor and Mplay is configurable and can be stored by configuration/save window parameter in main menus
- PE2: SDK updated (2014-07-05)
- New Compiler
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: separate audio volume configuration for audio jukebox.
- Live source might was only showing black instead of video if it was scheduled with exact event.
- UDP port added for remote interface.
- Cue on remote interface was not able to recue
- Select instruction on remote interface improved. Relativ selection by selectx;yz is now possible. where x=channel,y nothing for absolute selection - or + if relativ, z number
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: since around it could happen that the live input configured as default background was only showing a freezed frame instead the real live input.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Break mode event after a non break mode event might didn't store the the first non break item played, so it did recue again the non break item instead the first break.
- If "Monitor sub playlists" was enabled, the playlist was reloaded twice if "number of visible events" was higher then 1
- PE2: If mixer mode was enabled, cue first frame not checked and CUE button pressed it could happen that the system did start right away with playing.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: URL selection in the Streaming tab, didn't work correct. It could happen that to the stream name the automatic filenaming was added.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: in Playback Engine/others/"Load pictures thru CG" If this is enabled then still pictures will be showing the default live input. The pictures do need to have alpha channel and they must be at least the size of the configured playback output.
- PE2: sequences of stills could cause Mplay to freeze.
- PE2: No temp file and no preview picture rendering anymore for the still pictures. (except for TXT, RTF, MAP) all other still picture formats are now loaded natively.
- Drag and Drop from windows explorer might was ignored if Mplay/PlaylistEditor was security elevated
- PE2: SDK updated
- If current InsertPlaylist item time + time offset of InsertPlaylist was into next day, might wrong files where selected.
- PE2: Function "Reset output" added in !SetConfig instruction.
- PE2: With the capture option it is possible to capture from any configured input source.
- If in traffic import "Import from scratch" was not checked, might the first event which was exactly at 00:00:00 was not imported.
- RTF/TXT files are now rendered transparent also with Vista and newer. BUT disable ClearType in the "Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display" of Windows. Also "smooth edges of screen fonts" in Performance options of Windows do need to be disabled!
- PE2: in PlaybackEngine/Others/Force playback all audio channels checkbox. Enable it if might not all channels of your files are played. (Mixer Mode must be enabled)
- PE2: In case of multi channels and multi streaming, the streaming configuration was not saved correct.
- PE2: if replace original audio with source was used and before video where still pictures, the audio was fade out before the video was started even video was playing with same source.
- PE2: background audio might didn't got back at correct volume after fade out.
- PE2: Replace original audio with source was not activated if the instruction was between two video files.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Over/Under was not showing correct value after resume in progress
- WideOrbit import created the instructions in the translation table doubled since around (2014-04-20)
- New Compiler
- Parameter "FileFormat" added to AsRunUser.cfg. The possible values are:ANSI, ASCII, BigEndianUTF-16, UTF-16, UTF-7, UTF-8. The value is case sensitiv.
- Click on "Show files" on a Traffic Import item in the playlist will open a new PlaylistEditor instance with the scheduled playlist. Notice that this playlist is just temporary.
- Streaming watchdog checkbox in the Playback Engine Streaming/Statistic configuration. If enabled, and the frame count doesn't change it does automatically restart the streaming.
- Clicking on a entry in the Source selection didn't show the element again if the same source was already selected.
- PE2: there were might wrong error messages "Play duration difference" or "terminated 209 frames to early" on files which did have Inpoints.
- PE2: Using of live inputs in CG doesn't change main input volume anymore just the mixing volume.
- PE2: Initialisation order changed to avoid an SDK issue so MPlay should not hanging on start. (since about .70)
- PE2: Audiojukebox during live source is now possible to enable. If the source should have audio make sure you mute it (-60) in the source configuration.
- PE2: In the source configuration, the audio level can be adjusted and will be saved and restored in the project files
- PE2: Audiojukebox for still pictures and video files without audio implemented.(notice: MixerMode must be enabled)
- PE2: SDK updated
- Color selector added for the font color in the OSD configuration editor
- Default Still picture time defined in the InsertDirectory did get overwritten by the global default time on cue.
- PE2: If there was only one source monitor the selection was "Source monitor" selection was empty
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: since .71 might colorbars where visible after start of application
- PE2: since .69 if Mixer mode was not enabled there was might happening this Exception: Access violation at address 00F99440 in module 'Mplay.exe'. Read of address 00000000
- PE2: SDK decoders updated
- PE2: since .69 if Mixer mode was not enabled there was might happening this Exception: Access violation at address 00F8D37B in module 'MPlay.exe'. Read of address 00000000 in special mode
- InsertDirectory does now ignore files with a size of 0 byte.
- PortFunctionAssignedToPortNumber to Mplay.ini
- If Mplay is not playing it is now possible to define a source for Video and a source for audio.
- Resume of long live event (over one hour) might restored at wrong position and because of that terminated early
- PlaylistEditor might didn't show correct length in case of exactly 4 hours length of a event. It might did show 3 hours instead.
- If RSS was used in simplified interfaced, might now crawl text was found if number of visible events was NOT higher than 1
- PE2: Audio fade out on still picture, the audio on following live input was might not restored.
- PE2: in Video router instruction the parameter "No audio fade out on previous still picture"
- PE2: Length of live input kept always at 3600
- PE2: in SetConfig instruction "set as background" command added
- PE2: SDK updated.
- If in the time sync function the offset was enabled, it kept syncing every some seconds.
- PE2: External audio source on still pictures was already enabled on cue of the still picture.
- PE2: SDK updated.
- PE2: if Mixer mode was enabled, the audio level meter in the output preview window might didn't show the correct values. Especially in case of still pictures.
- PE2: in PE/Others configuration it is possible to select a source which should be used for still pictures. This does ONLY work if Mixer mode is enabled!
- PE2: Enhanced CG ClockFromFolderWithImages parameters enhanced.
- PE2: SDK updated.
- PE2: Empty text boxes in CG could cause text box to disappear even if there was valid text put into it later.
- if in Configuration/Interface/Monitor sub playlists is checked then a reload of the main playlist is triggered if one of the sub playlists is modified.
- PE2: Dynamic amplifyer/compressor is now applied to each item not on the main output so the main output volume control keeps functional.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: If Automatic Volume Control option is enabled, there is now a compressor and dynamic amplifyer available in the Playback Engine/Others configuration.
- PE2: In case several live sources where defined, the Enhanced CG configuration was loaded/saved to wrong section. if then the live source count was changed, the default configuration was used.
- Added *.bat and *.cmd to known external programmes.*.exe was already.
- Added "PlayedFilenameAddLeading0s" parameter to AsRunsUser.cfg
- Added "RemoveLeading0sFromFilename" parameter to ImportsUser.cfg
- Keep connection open for sending status and receiving instruction, to make it possible to control several players synchronized to start for example a live stream on all of them.
- TCP-IP connections improved
- Added "locations valid" to In/Out Database configuration.
- CG Overlay thread and Playback thread are now configured by default on default. for CG Thread the default currently is disabled and for playback thread enabled
- PE2: SDK updated
- Source delay max duration was per default 3600 seconds, it is now 15000 seconds and can be configured even larger if needed in the source configuration. This is a global setting and is valid for all sources.
- On Traffic import at AdEz, OSI, VCI the checkbox "floating events" is now visible.
- PE2: "Reload on change" add in CG Enhanced config
- Episode Weekly mode added to Loading mode at InsertDirectory function.
- PE2: it is possible to configure how many streaming outputs should be available. To activate if the #Streamings setting is changed, restart of application is needed.
- SendTo instruction might sent, even system was not OnAir and "Send SendTo instructions also if Mplay is not ON-AIR" was not checked
- Added HTML char code converter to the RSS feed text.
- SecondaryEventOffset parameter added to the ImportsUser.cfg
- In case filename.mpg[00:00:24:17 00:01:24:15] was used to make in/outpoints but the file was not existing yet, the inpoint was not showing and not used for calculation.
- PE2: stills and live items, where depending on configuration not correct loaded.
- PE2: Live input delay added, check the configuration in the Board configuration/Source. This can be used to build for example a delay server.
- Traffic import parameter CompareDateTimeMode the value 3 added which means, gaps of up to 1.5 seconds are assumed as no gap.
- PE2: the start time of a video item after a still picture or a live input, was wrong. Which did cause a false "Play duration difference" error message in the video file after the still or live input.
- Traffic import ignore imported time in case of translated instructions.
- SendTo HTTP %unixtime,siX% parameter added
- PE2: Weatheranimation.gif change check to watchdog added
- PE2: from still to video or from live stream to video might the default background was visible for some frames.
- Break instructions and repeat instructions in sub playlists are now reported back to main playlist. Which means, if there is in the sub playlist a break mode playlist and inserted in main playlist, Mplay will react like it would be in main playlist.
- If auto cue next files was shorter then the last break cued, the GPI got ignored if delayed GPI was enabled and the GPI was sent shorter then 3 seconds before next event.
- PE2: Stillpictures in the playlist are now handled directly and not with the CG. So there is no black between video files and stills anymore. Also no switching to defined background live source.
- GPI instruction might got ignored IF last break is cued with no file or a file shorter then next cue time and if following event was a floating event.
- PE2: CG config visible time added
- Instant Access Overlay was not working correct in simplified user interface.
- Show Text instruction with text from file, did only load subtitle text files like xml, srt, sub. but NOT a simple text file with just one line of text.
- If a empty break is cued, does automatically add a temporary item so the cue is even possible.
- If next event is floating event, and a Break is cued, the following floating event will be delayed with playing until the break is played. (GPI has priority doesn't need to be enabled anymore in case of following floating. if the function is needed with following exact, of course the checkbox still must be checked, also of course auto select and auto cue of break must be enabled and of course empty breaks are NOT allowed.)
- If last file of event was not found and floating event was next, it could happen that first file of the floating event was skipped.
- PlaylistEditor: the playlist can't be saved anymore while the progressbar is visible. This is need to make sure that no content does get lost.
- PE2: If a video file did end within one second of the next event, this file was might played twice.
- PE2: Added in the Source configuration "default field order"
- SDK updated
- If Inpoint>FileLength, Inpoint is ignored already when creating the object and not just when cueing the file..
- Using CTRL-A in PlaylistEditor while the progressbar was going did ONLY select the at that time already added files. Now that key stroke while progressbar is going is simply ignored.
- If the last item of an event ended within 3 and 1 second when the next exact time event did reach, Mplay might did load wrong time event.
- In Break Tab "On cancel break change router" setting to define what to do on the end of a cancel break on the router.
- Disable "Cancel waiting after Played" in Wait for GPI configuration item, didn't remove the default "CANCEL" from the name.
- Added ExpectedDuration to event configuration
- Break mode was not enabled if regular event ended and directly proceeded to a break mode event with a regular file first.
- SDK updated (Some arabic filenames were ignored with older SDK)
- In ImportUser.cfg the parameter CartNrPre added.
- Reason for stop added to remote status string.
- Show name label in main user interface might not updated when changing from one to the other event.
- GPI delayed start window additional protection removed.
- A repeat on a weekly day or special day in the last time event could mess up next special day.
- PE2: last item of RSS might not showing in case of Enhanced CG RSS function was used
- PE2: "Crop files with height between 1081 and 1100 to 1080" option added in others tab
- OnEmptyBreakMoveEventTimeAhead added to ImportsUser.cfg
- Built in Logfile viewer in Mplay stopped parsing logfiles, on invalid characters.
- If not playing SnapToTime now always does go to top of loaded playlist.
- PlaylistEditor: If with Tools/Open SegmentEditor the SegmentEditor was opened file selected closed and opened again, the frame rate was overwritten by the default frame rate configured in Mplay System tab.
- if every mode was used, a resume of an special event which was longer then the default every loop was not able to resume after it run already longer then default every loop. That it works correct the event line of the special event in the playlist does need to have the EventDuration=xx:xx:xx parameter with the correct length.
- CompareDateTimeMode added to ImportsUser.cfg. empty or 0=default 1=trunc 2=relativ
- OnlyValidIfVideoSource added to ImportsUser.cfg
- The remaining duration of a resume of an item (like Video router instruction) was not calculated correctly.
- The function "Count length of selected files" did count the full file length not the segmented length.
- PlaylistEditor might did not ignore *.tmp files when calcualting directory duration.
- "TestMode" checkbox and "Enable Ignore Max Age on start" checkbox removed
- PE, PE2: Default frame rating setting was not working as expected. for example in/outpoints of missing files where calculated wrong in case of NTSC.
- Added in ImportsUser cfg the parameter Inpoint
- "!breakend" added to translation table to clear a possible length to force a stop.
- "CG instruction after start" is now in the Playback Engine configuration
- If Mplay does find a cg-item called ClockFromFolderWithImages in ml-cgs it does automatically load every minute that the appropriate image to the time. The naming must be ClockHHNN.png
- If Mplay does find a cg-item called FadeToBlackItem in ml-cgs file can be used to fade to black or fade from black.
- Right click on source window new entry "Reinitalize"
- Added in the AsRun cfg the parameters: UseAsReference, AsRunDate, AsRunFormat
- In case of multiboard systems, if the same output was selected twice it could cause troubles. Now the second selected one is automatically disabled.
- In case of more then 9 boards, click on "Playback Engine" did open the wrong configuration
- default debug logfile defined.
- My AVR board added in Others and some customized instructions
- Analysing files protected by global 8087CW not just local.
- GPI start window before next event decreased from 2s to 1.1s.
- PE2: SDK updated (2013-12-26)
- Closing of SegmentEditor OnAir didn't switch back preview to main user interface.
- since about SegmentEditor was showing video only on the first loaded files. The next ones did show white background.
- New compiler
- PE2: Enable of overlay thread per default again to avoid audio drops if CG is used. (2013-12-21)
- PE2: Disable Overlay thread per default as it could cause audio drop outs if enabled in newer SDK
- in case of InsertDirectory function filenames like are used, then Mplay does automatically use the Date and time of the filename for the max age calculation and NOT the file time stamp
- PE2: SDK update
- SYNFloatingEventIdentifier added to import cfg configuration
- PlaylistEditor/Mplay "Count length of selected items" added in the right click popup menu
- Moving Up/Down added in the right click of the Instant Access Overlay
- Instant Access Overlay the delete function did screw up the list if no refresh was made.
- The rotation times might restored wrong because there were saved incorrect.
- PE2: rotating clock of different configurations is possible. for example to alternating showing the time of different time zones.
- PE2: streaming out might didn't work since
- PE2: advisory watchdog time increased and it is possible to disable the watchdog.
- PE2: whole cg load instruction protected by 8087CW
- PE2: if FullScreen was used just ahead of a !OSD off instruction, the next Show CGC instruction did restore squezzed and not full screen.
- PE2: if in source is selected, the source doesn't get initalized anymore.
- Even with IPKeepConnection=0 in the router configuration, the connection to the router might stayed open if router was selected in the source interface and the current status was read.
- PE2: if squeezed is enabled and CG was reloaded might the squeeze background was not loaded.
- PE2: even if realtime preview is disabled if the main output in Selection is selected it will enable realtime preview until the main output window is closed.
- PE2: if not already a advisory was running the EAS crawl might only appear for a couple of seconds.
- PE2: watchdog for advisories crawl
- If a file a already selected as next file is not found anymore on cue, the next file is reselected
- PE2: LiveStreams are now possible to add to playlist.
- NVerizon database does now overwrite a might already in the Metadata available in/out point
- PE2: SDK updated
- DBInout is now cached
- in case of InsertDirectory function filenames like or are used then Mplay does automatically use the Date and time of the filename for the max age calculation and NOT the file time stamp.
- PE2: SDK updated
- DBInOut the modification date is added so it does search for the newest one
- if DBInOut is used and the outpoint was bigger then the file length, it could cause serious issues up to freeze of application. No the DBInOut is ignored if the in or outpoint is larger then the analysed filelength.
- PE2: Preview skip fields global setting added in Other configuration of the PE configuration. As higher the number is less frequent the previews are updated and the processor usage goes down too.
- PE2: Source Monitors are now possible to close and open again thru the "source Monitors" selector. Closing of a source monitor does free up processor usage. So if there is more processor power needed, close the window it if not needed.
- DBInOut does now also support HH:MM:SS:FF times and not just frame values
- PE2: Interface/Source Preview "On activate set as background" checkbox.
- Restore of window pos does now check with and height of the window and resize it if it is bigger then valid screen size.
- PE2: Advisory text might disappeared if updated advisorys.rss had less items then current showing item.
- Traffic Import, if "import from scratch" is not checked does now import from Today+1+First found event time. Previous version was Today+1
- PE2: SDK updated
- Added expectedtimeunp parameter to the importer
- Possible to select what to do with metadata, if main file size is changed. (keep the old information or start from scratch, default is start from scratch)
- PE2: SDK updated
- Access violation in VerifyAreFilePresent and PrefetchThread
- PE2: SDK updated
- The Debuglogfile might could grow over it's defined limitations with "TCP-IP A:" messages.
- Search in cache is now case insensitiv
- Search directory result cache max age configuration. if 0 or empty the cache is disabled.
- PE2: Source window supports now also 4:3, not just 16:9
- PE2: Auto restart of streaming by specified time in the streaming configuration
- PE2: Video files with just one audio channel were not showing any audio level in the audio level meter.
- PE2: scaling block up to 16
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Keep last frame showing wasn't working properly if stop was pressed.
- PE2: showing first frame was not workign properly.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Customized import improved.
- Simplyfied the clearing code if all files of a random or selected folder are played.
- If only one visible event is configured, the system does now automatically load the next event 20 seconds before the next event is reached, to make sure there is enought time to analyse the files if they might where not already analysed.
- PE2: SDK updated
- NVerizon database can be used as a source for IN/Out points of loaded files
- Mplay does raise an minor error if InsertPlaylist is used to load a break list and the scheduled time is empty or not found.
- PE2: SDK updated
- InsertPlaylist might did show wrong Break times if using every day time events and in PlaylistEditor in case total duration was enabled, there was no warning if break was not found.
- in case of using CPD folder and separate metadata if the file length does change on cue, the new length is written instantly to the metadata file (previously it was waiting until end of file)
- Timeout on TCP send and wait for answer decreased
- TCP-IP Server improved.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Resume function of CG didn't create the RSS correct if it did end on the last item.
- "Resume from remote system" is now frame accurate.
- "Resume last known position" didn't work anymore
- Controlling of Kramer routers thru TCP-IP was not working anymore since about 5.7.
- PE2: SDK updated, memory leak if only one field was selected solved.
- In case of 4/3 the main output preview monitor wasn't showing the correct aspect ratio
- Built in download&install might instantly reported "failed".
- PE2: SDK updated
- the "MainFileLastWrite" is replaced with MainFileSize as the use of the last writing date of the file was to unsecure. Keep in mind if CPD directory for metadata is used there is only ONE cpd for each filename. So if you have several files with same filename in different folder they SHARE the same cpd file!
- the new function of MainFileLastwrite does trigger a memory leak (since, this function is disabled for now.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Audio level meters can be positioned left and right of the video window.
- InternetExport, the details does now include all parameters in the playlist as commatext
- Over/Under warning in case of change to repeat at end of a time event did report wrong numbers in case the repeat was looping over.
- Added configuration possiblies in the Enhanced CG configuration panel.
- Replaced RichEdit field in OSD configuration with regular text field. for unkown reason the RichEdit field quit working with unicode characters.
- In case of using separate cpd file for metadata, the cpd file is ignored and new created if the MainFileLastWrite is different then 121 seconds from the original file.
- PE2: The very first file after restart of the software might didn't playback in the selected volume in the board tab, if there was a different number as 0db configured.
- Source monitors audio level meter position can be changed between left and right.
- Disable External Control is now also manually possible, if "Automatic control disabled on start" is enabled in Router1 tab
- PE,PE2: MXFReader updated
- VGA: Wmode of flash player set to transparency by default.
- PE2: Seeking wasn't working correct in case Mixer mode was enabled.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Positioning of big clocks and big audio level meter does now restore on dual screen systems as well.
- Automatic reload of the port names.
- Possible to disable the "is set as background" in the source windows
- Add parameters for customized Import and AsRun logs
- PE2: Message "Disable outpoint, because outpoint too close to the file Length" removed. There is no limit in case of PE2
- PE2: if a file is detected without a audio channel it can randomly take an audio from specified "audio jukebox folder" use the configuration in the board tab and not in the audio tab.
- TVTuner updated
- User AsRun the parameter PlayedFilenameExt=0 was not working correct
- Up to 16 channels audio level meters on the sources.
- Sources can be named
- PE2: SDK updated
- Utah RCP-3 protocol improved
- Output resolutions added
- PE2: A start of Mplay on a clean machine with multiple decklink card might failed.
- PE2: Live Input might was showing No Video even there was the correct format configured.
- EAS might not started if no RSS feeds where present
- EAS does now accept plain text
- PE2: Manual decoder selection disabled so the internal decoders are preferred always.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Override the field order in the playlist.
- TCP-IP communication changed to raw string
- External CG older Cayman might didn't load the page if it didn't support AUTOFADE
- Communication monitor selection of send port
- Item configuration window did come up on some screen resolutions at strange positions.
- Passed repeat loop on special event could cause the Next event function to select wrong next event time.
- PE2: Cue/Recue wasn't working correct
- InsertDirectory made sure that no files with *.tmp extention are in the list
- PE2: The source restore might failed on systems with HD license
- PE2: The source configuration is now always saved.
- PE2: Live source might not actived if just one source was defined and not as background
- Input/Output selection in the router configuration might didn't show the Outputs/Inputs properly
- PE2: SDK updated
- If there were less future time events available as # of visible events was configured, old events were used again
- ProXR relay control improved.
- PE: Reported length, was sometimes of previous file which might cause to show wrong length in the playlist
- PE2: Streaming/Capture tab for main output
- Change of Max volume in MetadataManger didn't work correct
- resize of Instant access overlay enabled
- resize of large audio meter enabled
- PE2: resize of source window enabled
- HTTP client download might not started if GUID playlist mode wasn't enabled.
- PE2: if there was no file after exact event going to live the live might didn't have audio or at least the output level was much too low
- SendTo now also supports HTTP client download. The result of the download is in the Logfile folder in the HTTPDownload.html file
- PE2: CC configuration enhanced.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Resize of Main Output window improved
- PE2: if lastframe is used as background, the audio level meter is now going to 0 on stop.
- PE2: auto cleanup of SDK registry entries
- PlaylistEditor ParFileOnly did only export the Metadata if they where already available. Now it does analyse the file if there is no Metadata found
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: "Live" Router instruction might raised an exception.
- if Main Output window is closed the preview does go back to main user interface.
- if Main Output window is resized the preview size does adjust instantly.
- Main Output can now bigger as separated window anywhere and any size on the screen.
- PE2: SDK updated.
- MetadataCheck is now free running thread
- PE2: SDK updated
- PlaylistEditor didn't use the in/out's if file was not found.
- PE2: If Last Frame was enabled, router source didn't work correct.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: Last Frame does now also keep showing if Stop or Next is pressed. (not only at end of file)
- PE2: Playlist router source might didn't work correct since
- PE2: SDK updated
- PlaylistImport of WideOrbit if used as "Create main playlist" did not write the time of the first event of each day correct.
- in the update function was broken. There was a MPlay.exe.tmp created but NOT automatically renamed to Mplay.exe. If you have this problem, please rename the Mplay.exe.tmp to Mplay.exe
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: It is now possible to select from the playlist a source thru the router command.
- PE2: Source config sometimes didn't save the video input nor the audio input correct.
- Delayed OSD instructions where not working correct since about 5.8.2
- Logfile entry "declared file in Random list not found" file access of the search changed, so the message doesn't appear not so often anymore.
- PE2: SDK update (2013-06-24)
- Comiler update
- PE,PE2: first implementation of the subtitle files as it was for Stradis and VGA cards.
- In the Break tab, in case of several DTMF codes are separated by comma, instead of semi column they are converted in the background to semi column. But please use semi column any way.
- OSI asrun does now use the "day change" configuration for the day roll over. Previously it was fix at 04:00:00
- Integration of ProXR Relais
- OthersUser.cfg was ignored
- PE2: if no audio track found, it does search for a file with same name but .wav extension and if available use this aus the audio tracks.
- PE,PE2: Audio fade at exact event was not working.
- OSI import does now honor the "File missing check" as well
- PlaylistEditor subplaylist calculation improved.
- Metadata volume save only if MaxValume is >-50
- PE2: SDK updated
- USE CPD folder, prefetch enabled and "change after played" enabled did cause to update the playlist to update continously.
- PE,PE2: if the SDK does detect a length change of the file, the metadata is now updated automatically.
- PE2: SDK updated
- If OSI was imported as main playlist the OSI asrun wasn't created because the sync parameter was missing in the playlist.
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: if *.rss extension is used for local stored RSS feeds, the Mplay internally HTTP Server is not needed anymore, if the CG-Projects are adjusted as well.
- In traffic import if the next day had exactly same start time as previous it might doubled the length
- Resume in case of repeat mode playlist didn't try first to resume in time, it did always use the last known position.
- In traffic import if there was the first imported item an instruction it ignored the start time.
- PE2: SDK updated
- Multiscreen in multichannel enviroment if separate playlist was on differen screen might the channel overview was not visible
- PE2: free selection of which board should be used for which channel.
- PE,PE2: Instant Access Overlay panel enabled. It is possible to add nearly any instruction beside Overlay. For example Router instructions could be added as well just build the instructions in PlaylistEditor and copy/paste them.
- PE2: Might last entry of the on the fly traffic import kept empty or showed wrong imported time.
- PE2: Disable/Enable Live preview.
- PE,PE2: Parameter "Aspect ratio" added in the SetConfig instruction.
- PE2: Prefetch can now prefetch Omneon mov link files
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE2: increase of picture buffer seems to produce an audio/video delay over time, so default setting restored.
- PE2: Setting of "Crop files with height between 481 and 486 to 480" wasn't stored.
- PE2: Keys 1..0 (10) are short keys can be used to switch the background of the live inputs.
- PE2: picture buffer increased to avoid audio drops if using crawls or changing animated gifs on the fly.
- Auto fill improved.
- Added additional date time to the status string. As default the playlist date time of the first channel is used. it is possible to change it in the TCP-IP settings.
- PE2: Possible to enable crop from 486 to 480
- PE2: SDK updated
- Animated logos is now possible to configure in playlist editor should it just one time keep, one time hide or loop.
- In case of weekly list mode, PlaylistEditor was looking backword instead forward
- PlaylistEditor didn't count mov files in InsertPlaylist instructions.
- PE2: separat default aspect ratio configuration for mov files.
- PE,PE2: MXF Reader updated
- Status information improved.
- Break mode does automatically disable Over/Under warning.
- Separate thread for sending status
- Added Over/Under information to status request
- PE2: CC line on SDI output is possible to change
- PE2: SDK updated
- PE,PE2: Load of logos now directly
- MXF Reader updated
- PE2: SDK updated
- remove use of StradisDecoderSettings_GetFrameCount() and GetLastFrame() in case of HDM850 because this function don't work correct in the Stradis SDK.
- Capturing of a decklink input to a file is possible.
- If Metadata destination is configured to "Same directory as file" or "Use cpd directory" in that case also as first Mplay does read from there and ignores the attached metadata if there should be any. (in earlier version it always did read attached metadata as first)
- PE2: SDK updated
For older Software changes look at